2023-01-26 LG Minutes

23 02 2023

Date: January 26, 2023

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

At Library discussion area, freshly redecorated.

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm SLT

Present: Zyzzy, Pomona, Sofia, Et, Raven

Absent: TED, Zoe, Prosper


Minutes – Zyzzy

  • Approved the December Minutes

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia –

Treasurer’s report December 31, 2022

Magic’s account L$104,187 L$79,641
Byk’s account L$120,027 US$1096.68 L$131,441 US$1096.68
KIVA: US$475 US$475
Total Assets L$224,214 US$1571.68 L$211,082 US$1571.68
EXPENSES 2021 2022
Presenters: L$103,000 L$103,000
Rent: L$300,000 L$300,000
Advertising: L$2600 L$2400
Total Expenses L$405,600 L$405,400
INCOME 2021 2022
Plate collections: L$107,150 L$78,104
Pledge payments: L$321,259 2021: 96% of pledged amount L$317,122 2022: 99.4% of pledged amount
Total Income L$428,409 L$395,226
Membership 34 35*

· In 2022, there were 14 pledging members, down from 18 in 2021. I will begin soliciting 2023 pledges in February, by announcements at services, notices and personal IMs.

*Dec 15 new member Stella Vespera

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Nothing new

Outreach – Et

  • No news.
  • UUA Article 2 Bylaws update; GA 2023 June 21-25 Pittsburgh

Library Report – Pomona

  • No news

Worship Report (Sofia)

Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through May of 2023. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (The regular rotation is Zyzzy-Zoe-Sofia).

Here are the upcoming pagan services for 2023. Raven has claimed some and some are open. If anyone wishes to lead one of the open services, please let me know, and I’ll include it in the schedule..

  • Imbolc: February 2nd, 2023 ZOE (reg rotation)
  • Ostara: March 23rd, 2023* RAVEN
  • Beltane: April 27th, 2023* RAVEN
  • Litha/Midsummer: June 22nd, 2023 Prosper
  • Lughnasadh: July 27th, 2023 Pomona
  • Mabon: September 21st, 2023 ZOE
  • Samhain: October 26th, 2023* RAVEN
  • Yule: December 21st, 2023* RAVEN

The (somewhat) regular rotation proceeds as follows:



5-Jan Zyzzy
12-Jan Raven
19-Jan Sofia
26-Jan Zyzzy
2-Feb Zoe IMBOLC
9-Feb Sofia
16-Feb Zyzzy
23-Feb Zoe
9-Mar Zyzzy
16-Mar Zoe
23-Mar Raven OSTARA
30-Mar Zyzzy
6-Apr Pomona
13-Apr Sofia
20-Apr Zoe
27-Apr Raven BELTANE
4-May Zyzzy
11-May Zoe
18-May Sofia
25-May Zyzzy
1-Jun Zoe
8-Jun Sofia

Saturday service

  • No report this month

New Business

  • Distributed Visitor Monoliths to everyone to play with. These detect avatars in the area and will report when they are first and last seen.
  • Anti-Griefer Stuff: since a recent episode with trolls at the service, some of us would like info on how to eject and ban people. Also, we may want to review our land permissions and make sure all LG members have the ability to eject and ban people sim-wide and not only on one parcel at a time. Zoe has copied some of her old security info from Dublin years ago, and will share a folder of those notecards at our meeting, that we can look over at our leisure, as examples of anti-griefer procedures. Let’s keep this in the Parking Lot until after the holidays, and then schedule a time to practice ejecting and stuff. ADD TO JANUARY MEETING
  • Eric’s notes: (using Firestorm)
    • If griefing loudly, actively: open IM window (no message needed) and ban immediately. IM window will let you get to the avatar profile quickly.
    • IM griefer and nudge to civility–maybe something else is going on.
    • Give griefer an opportunity to be civil; some will play nice for a little while but then turn bad.
    • To ban:
      • World > Region Details (or ALT-R)
      • “Access” tab
      • “Banned” sub-tab
      • “Add…” button
      • Search for the avatar’s name, hit Go. You can copy the name from the IM window profile, or hit “Near Me”.
      • Click on name in result list.
      • You will get a window titled “Deny access for this estate only or for all estates that you manage for Zyzzy Zarf”. Hit “All Estates”
      • Avatar will disappear!
      • Optionally, send an abuse report: (I always do because some griefers will send a abuse report against you)
    • Bring up profile (from the IM window)
    • On 2nd Life tab, hit gear dropdown in lower right corner
    • “Report” button
    • Send an abuse report. Category is usually “Harrassment” In summary note this is to counter an abuse report they may send against you. Include IM chat in Details, and selected open chat.
    • Select “Report Abuse”

    Next meeting: February 23 at Party Platform.

    The meeting was adjourned at 6:07 pm SLT.

    Parking Lot
    (revisit or delete)

    • FOR NEXT MEETING, Should we as a congregation endorse the 8th principle? Sofia will take it as a topic in her series on the principle on December 29 so we should wait one more month before we discuss it at the Leadership Group (says Sofia).

2022-12-01 LG Minutes

26 01 2023

Date: December 1, 2022

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

At Sofia’s North Island

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm SLT

Present: Zyzzy, Zoe, Pomona, TED, Sofia, Et, Prosper

Absent: Raven


Minutes – Zyzzy

  • Approved the October Minutes

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia

There are two reports this month, because of the combined Nov/Dec meeting.

Treasurer’s report October 31, 2022

ASSETS Sept 30, 2022 Oct 31, 2022
Magic’s account L$55,289 L$61,790
Byk’s account L$179,541 US$1096.68 L$89,541 US$1096.68
KIVA: US$475 US$475
Total Assets L 234,830 US$1571.68 L 151,331 US$1571.68
Year to date
Sept 30, 2022 Oct 31, 2022
Stone Circle & Tiny Carolers
L$76,000 L$85,000
Rent: L$225,000 L$300,000
Advertising: L$1800 L$2000
Total Expenses L$302,800 L$387,000
Year to date
Sept 30, 2022 Oct 31, 2022
Plate collections: L$53,052 L$59,803
Pledge payments: L$257,222 L$284,687 98.5% of pledge amount paid
Total Income L$310,274 L$344,490
Membership 35 35

Treasurer’s report November 30, 2022

ASSETS Oct 31, 2022 Nov 30, 2022
Magic’s account L$61,790 L$66,459
Byk’s account L$89,541 US$1096.68 L$119.441 US$1096.68
KIVA: US$475 US$475
Total Assets L 151,331 US$1571.68 L 185,900 US$1571.68
Year to date
Oct 31, 2022 Nov 30, 2022
Stone Circle & Tiny Carolers
L$85,000 L$93,000
Rent: L$300,000 L$300,000
Advertising: L$2000 L$2200
Total Expenses L$387,000 L$395,200
Year to date
Oct 31, 2022 Nov 30, 2022
Plate collections: L$59,803 L$64,672
Pledge payments: L$284,687 L$287,122 99.3% of pledge amount paid
Total Income L$344,490 L$351,794
Membership 35 35

A small deficit this year, but we have reserves to cover this. Noted that we need to grow the membership.

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Nothing new

Outreach – Et

  • No news.

Library Report – Pomona

  • No news

Thursday Worship Report (Sofia)

Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through March of 2023. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (The regular rotation is Zyzzy-Zoe-Sofia). Raven has also asked for the service on January 12, but I’ve forgotten the reason. Perhaps someone could add the topic, here, during our meeting tonight.

Here are the upcoming pagan services for 2023. Raven has claimed some and some are open. If anyone wishes to lead one of the open services, please let me know, and I’ll include it in the schedule..

  • Imbolc: February 2nd, 2023 Zoe (reg rotation)
  • Ostara: March 23rd, 2023* Raven
  • Beltane: April 27th, 2023* Raven
  • Litha/Midsummer: June 22nd, 2023 Prosper
  • Lughnasadh: July 27th, 2023 OPEN
  • Mabon: September 21st, 2023 Zoe
  • Samhain: October 26th, 2023* Raven
  • Yule: December 21st, 2023* Raven

The (somewhat) regular rotation proceeds as follows:

24-Nov Sofia
1-Dec Zoe
8-Dec Zyzzy
15-Dec Raven/Yule
22-Dec Zoe – Tiny C.
29-Dec Sofia


5-Jan Zyzzy
12-Jan Raven
19-Jan Sofia
26-Jan Zyzzy
2-Feb Zoe Imbolc
9-Feb Sofia
16-Feb Zyzzy
23-Feb Zoe
2-Mar Sofia
9-Mar Zyzzy
16-Mar Zoe
23-Mar Raven Ostara

Saturday service – TED

  • TED: My eyes are done and I’m home, can do Saturday this week. Very odd vision just now, but it works, and should get better. Hooray!

New Business

  • Article II discussion at the UUA (for our information only)

Next meeting: January 26 at LIbrary discussion area, freshly redecorated.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 pm SLT.

Parking Lot:

(revisit or delete)

  • FOR NEXT MEETING, Should we as a congregation endorse the 8th principle? Sofia will take it as a topic in her series on the principle on December 29 so we should wait one more month before we discuss it at the Leadership Group (says Sofia).
  • Anti-Griefer Stuff: since a recent episode with trolls at the service, some of us would like info on how to eject and ban people. Also, we may want to review our land permissions and make sure all LG members have the ability to eject and ban people sim-wide and not only on one parcel at a time. Zoe has copied some of her old security info from Dublin years ago, and will share a folder of those notecards at our meeting, that we can look over at our leisure, as examples of anti-griefer procedures. Let’s keep this in the Parking Lot until after the holidays, and then schedule a time to practice ejecting and stuff. ADD TO JANUARY MEETING

2022-10-27 LG Minutes

1 12 2022

Date: October 27, 2022

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

At Pomona’s Teahouse.

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:33 pm SLT

Present: Zyzzy, Zoe, Pomona, Raven, TED, Sofia

Absent: Prosper, Et (working early voting for the elections)

Observing: nobody

Minutes – Zyzzy

  • The August Minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia

Treasurer’s report SEPTEMBER 30, 2022

ASSETS August 31, 2022 Sept 30, 2022
Magic’s account L$48,469 L$55,289
Byk’s account L$189,541 US$1096.68 L$179,541 US$1096.68
KIVA: US$475 US$475
Total Assets L 238,010 US$1571.68 L 234,830 US$1571.68
Year to date
August 31, 2022 Sept 30, 2022
Stone Circle & Tiny Carolers
L$67,000 L$76,000
Rent: L$225,000 L$225,000
Advertising: L$1600 L$1800
Total Expenses L$293,600 L$302,800
Year to date
August 31, 2022 Sept 30, 2022
Plate collections: L$46,032 L$53,052
Pledge payments: L$257,222 L$257,222 89% of pledge amount paid
Total Income L$303,254 L$310,274
Membership 35 35

Only three pledges have yet to be paid.

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Nothing new

Outreach – Et

  • No news.
  • (If you are in Montgomery County Maryland, vote early–not often!)

Library Report – Pomona

  • No news

Thursday Worship Report (Sofia & Zoe)

Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through December of 2022. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (The regular rotation is Zyzzy-Zoe-Sofia). I have included the pagan holidays led by Zoe, Raven and Prosper in the rotation following requests as indicated in earlier minutes. Hyacinth had volunteered to lead a service for November 17th but that has become impossible for her, because a new job will keep her busy Thursday evenings for some time. She hopes to soon be able to offer special services on Tuesdays at her place in UUtopia, and she still hopes to lead a Thursday night service at some time.

The following special services are included in the schedule:

October 27th (Samhain/Final Harvest) Raven

November 24 (Thanksgiving Dinner) Sofia

December 15th (Yule)*Raven

December 22 (Tiny Carolers) Zoe

The (somewhat) regular rotation proceeds as follows:

6-Oct Zyzzy
13-Oct Zoe
20-Oct Sofia
27-Oct Raven/Samhain
3-Nov Zyzzy
10-Nov Zoe
17-Nov Sofia
24-Nov Sofia
1-Dec Zoe
8-Dec Zyzzy
15-Dec Raven/Yule
22-Dec Zoe – Tiny C.
29-Dec Sofia
5-Jan Zyzzy

Raven will send Sofia the dates for 2023 Pagan services

Saturday service – TED

  • News from TED: cataract surgery Nov8-11. Hoping to be at Saturday Service Nov12. Someone has been coming to SatSvc from Germany; Thurs evening service is inconvenient time. One of TED’s client/friends died Oct19, TED may end up executor.
  • Does anyone want to be a standby backup leader for Nov12? Sofia will do it.

New Business

  • Anti-Griefer Stuff: since a recent episode with trolls at the service, some of us would like info on how to eject and ban people. Also, we may want to review our land permissions and make sure all LG members have the ability to eject and ban people sim-wide and not only on one parcel at a time. Zoe has copied some of her old security info from Dublin years ago, and will share a folder of those notecards at our meeting, that we can look over at our leisure, as examples of anti-griefer procedures. (MOVE TO OLD BUSINESS FOR NEXT MEETING)
  • Proposal from Zyzzy to delete 3 of 4 users in fuucsl.org google workplace – agreed Zyzzy should do so
  • This would reduce our monthly cost from $12 to $3
  • Login info would be shared with LG

Next meeting: December 1 at 5:30 pm SLT at Sofia’s North Island

Our next meeting is the combined November, December meeting, on December 1. (Remember we have one meeting in early December, instead of the two in November and December, to avoid holiday conflicts.)

The meeting was adjourned at 5:57 pm SLT.

Parking Lot: (revisit or delete)

  • FOR NEXT MEETING, Should we as a congregation endorse the 8th principle? Sofia will take it as a topic in her series on the principle on November 17
  • 8th principle: wait for sermon to discuss this

2022-09-22 LG Minutes

27 10 2022

Date: September 22, 2022

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

At the Library Atrium: seating is available on six benches AND on the 13 or so stacks of books.

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm SLT

Present: Zyzzy, Zoe, Et, Pomona, Raven, TED

Absent: Sofia, Prosper

Observing: Hyacinth

Minutes – Zyzzy

  • Approved the August Minutes:

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia

(I am still on bereavement leave -I’ll be back next month)

Treasurer’s report August 31, 2022

ASSETS July 31, 2022 August 31, 2022
Magic’s account L$43,304 L$48,469
Byk’s account L$128,041 US$1096.68 L$189,541 US$1096.68
KIVA: US$475 US$475
Total Assets L 171,354 US$1571.68 L 238,010 US$1571.68
Year to date
July 31, 2022 August 31, 2022
Stone Circle & Tiny Carolers
L$59,000 L$67,000
Rent: L$225,000 L$225,000
Advertising: L$1400 L$1600
Total Expenses L$285,400 L$293,600
Year to date
July 31, 2022 August 31, 2022
Plate collections: L$40,667 L$46,032
Pledge payments: L$256,022 L$257,222 89% of pledge amount paid
Total Income L$296,689 L$303,254
Membership 35 35

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Nothing new

Outreach – Et

  • No news

Library Report – Pomona & Zoe

  • Zoe reports on the library garden:

Thanks for all the great ideas! Working from suggestions received last month, I’ve finished decorating the atrium. It was a pleasure to do it!

Worship Report (Sofia)

Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through December of 2022. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (The regular rotation is Zyzzy-Zoe-Sofia). I have included the pagan holidays led by Zoe, Raven and Prosper in the rotation following requests as indicated in earlier minutes. Hyacinth has volunteered to lead a service for November 17

October 27th (Samhain/Final Harvest)*Raven

November 17th Hyacinth

December 15th (Yule)*Raven

We need to update the Google calendar with services from Nov 10 forward; the last service noted on it is Nov 3rd. We may need to think about who needs login info for the Google account that has edit permissions for that calendar, or share edit permissions for that calendar with more than one other account as backup.

11-Aug Zyzzy
18-Aug Zoe
25-Aug Sofia
1-Sep Zyzzy
8-Sep Zoe
15-Sep Sofia (Zoe sub)
22-Sep Raven /Mabon
29-Sep Pomona
6-Oct Zyzzy
13-Oct Zoe
20-Oct Sofia
27-Oct RAVEN/Samhain
3-Nov Zyzzy
10-Nov Zoe
17-Nov Hyacinth
24-Nov Sofia
1-Dec Zyzzy
8-Dec Zoe/Tiny Carolers
15-Dec Raven/Yule
22-Dec Sofia
29-Dec Zyzzy
5-Jan Zoe
12-Jan Sofia

Saturday service – TED

  • Saturday usually about 4 people at least, and always valuable conversations. Much appreciation to TED for leading Saturday services!

New Business

  • Trolls and Griefers, policy and procedures: All members of LG now have the ability to do estate-wide bans, not merely parcel bans. We’d like to have a workshop so all the LG will know how to wield that power. Zoe could adapt something from Dublin security training that she underwent years ago and create a notecard for that workshop, and we can all have fun practicing freezing and ejecting one another.
  • Proposal from Zyzzy to delete 3 of 4 users in fuucsl.org google workplace
  • This would reduce our monthly cost from $12 to $3
  • Login info would be shared with LG

Next meeting: October 27 at Pomona’s teahouse

After that, we won’t have a November meeting but will meet on December 1. (Remember we have one meeting in early December, instead of the two in November and December, to avoid holiday conflicts.)

The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 pm SLT.

Parking Lot : (revisit or delete)

  • (Table until end of summer?)(Sofia) Should we as a congregation endorse the 8th principle? Sofia will take it as a topic in her series on the principles.
  • 8th principle: wait for sermon to discuss this

2022-08-25 LG Minutes

22 09 2022

Date: August 25, 2022

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

TED and Zoe’s spot

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:33 pm SLT

Present: Zyzzy, Zoe, Et, Pomona, Sofia, Raven, TED

Absent: Prosper


Minutes – Zyzzy

  • Approved the July Minutes:

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia

Treasurer’s report July 31, 2022

ASSETS June 30, 2022 July 31, 2022
Magic’s account L$37,098 L$43,304
Byk’s account L$211,041 US$1096.68 L$128,041 US$1096.68
KIVA: US$475 US$475
Total Assets L 248,139 US$1571.68 L 171,354 US$1571.68
Year to date
June 30, 2022 July 31, 2022
Presenters: L$48,000 L$59,000
Rent: L$150,000 L$225,000
Advertising: L$1200 L$1400
Total Expenses L$199,200 L$285,400
Year to date
June 30, 2022 July 31, 2022
Plate collections: L$34,211 L$40,667
Pledge payments: L$194,022 L$256,022 89% of pledge amount paid
Total Income L$228,233 L$296,689
Membership 35 35

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Don Setzer has taken over Holly’s parcel

Outreach – Et

  • No news

Library Report – Pomona & Zoe

  • Zoe reports on the library garden:

There’s already a lovely garden surrounding the library, on the outside, but…

… that inner central area is difficult to transform into a garden as requested, since it’s inside a formal building…

…having tried several things from a zen garden to a floral clock, I’ve set up a circle of tabletop miniature-gardens-in-books, a central turtle pond, an aquarium, birds…

… having some motion helps make the space feel alive, I think…

… there are places you can sit, including two benches, and twelve piles of books…

… I’ll appreciate getting some feedback from anyone who has time to offer some.

Maybe what we want is some more simple idea, with one central focus, like a really large aquarium or aviary? Maybe what’s there now is too cluttered?

(After our meeting, many LG members popped over to the library and provided very helpful feedback. Thank you all!)

Worship Report (Sofia)

Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through December of 2022. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (The regular rotation is Zyzzy-Zoe-Sofia).
I have included the pagan holidays led by Zoe, Raven and Prosper in the rotation following requests as indicated in earlier minutes. If anyone would like to claim one of the open spots, let me know.

TED has shared simple list of topics with Pomona (nice for emergency fill-in)

January 27th (Imbolc/Candlemas/Brigid/Groundhog’s Day) Zoe

March 17th (Ostara/Spring Equinox) Prosper

April 28th (Beltane)* Raven

June 23rd (Litha/Summer Solstice) Zoe

July 28th (Lughnasadh/First Harvest) Prosper Bread Offering

September 22nd (Mabon/Autumn Equinox/Second Harvest)*Raven

October 27th (Samhain/Final Harvest)*Raven

November 17th (Harvest Day – A different spin on Thanksgiving [a week before the actual day]) OPEN

December 15th (Yule)*Raven

11-Aug Zyzzy
18-Aug Zoe
25-Aug Sofia
1-Sep Zyzzy
8-Sep Zoe
15-Sep Sofia
22-Sep Raven /Mabon
29-Sep Pomona
6-Oct Zyzzy
13-Oct Zoe
20-Oct Sofia
27-Oct RAVEN/Samhain
3-Nov Zyzzy
10-Nov Zoe
17-Nov OPEN/Harvest Day
24-Nov Sofia
1-Dec Zyzzy
8-Dec Zoe/Tiny Carolers
15-Dec Raven/Yule
22-Dec Sofia
29-Dec Zyzzy
5-Jan Zoe
12-Jan Sofia

Saturday service

  • Saturday low attendance, but always someone, and some valuable conversations.

New Business

  • The FUUCSL Google Workspace account is transitioning to paid.
  • Zyzzy has provided a CC# so that it’s paid for. Estimated US$12/month
  • A motion (approved): Sofia moved that whenever there are US dollar expenses incurred on behalf of FUUCSL and approved by the Leadership Group, they shall be reimbursed. Pomona seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Next meeting September 22 at 5:30pm SLT at Library (if someplace to sit, or library office).

The meeting was adjourned at 5:53 pm SLT.

Parking Lot
(revisit or delete)

  • (Table until end of summer?)(Sofia) Should we as a congregation endorse the 8th principle? Sofia will take it as a topic in her series on the principles.
  • 8th principle: wait for sermon to discuss this

2022-07-28 LG Minutes

25 08 2022

Date: July 28, 2022

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

Zoe and TED’s island

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:33 pm SLT

Present: Zyzzy, Zoe, Et, Prosper, Pomona

Absent: Sofia, Raven, TED


Minutes – Etaoin

  • Approved the June Minutes

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia

Treasurer’s report June 30, 2022

ASSETS May 31, 2022 June 30, 2022
Magic’s account L$30.152 L$37,098
Byk’s account L$212.041 US$1096.68 L$211,041 US$1096.68
KIVA: US$475 US$475
Total Assets L 242,193 US$1571.68 L 248,139 US$1571.68
Year to date
May 31, 2022 June 30, 2022
Stone Circle & Tiny Carolers
L$42.000 L$48,000
Rent: L$150,000 L$150,000
Advertising: L$1000 L$1200
Total Expenses L$193,000 L$199,200
Year to date
May 31, 2022 June 30, 2022
Plate collections: L$27,065 L$34,211
Pledge payments: L$181,022 L$194,022 67% of pledge amount paid
Total Income L$208,087 L$228,233
Membership 35 35

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Hollys has left her parcel (again). Might be back someday (again).

Outreach – Et

  • No news

Library Report – Pomona

  • Zoe and Pomona to go before the service 7/28 and start sharing ideas.

Worship Report (Sofia)

Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through October of 2022. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (The regular rotation is Zyzzy-Zoe-Sofia). I have adjusted the schedule to get around my summer vacation plans so each of you should do the same and communicate by group email if swaps are needed.

I have included the pagan holidays led by Zoe, Raven and Prosper in the rotation following requests as indicated in earlier minutes. If anyone would like to claim one of the open spots, let me know.

TED has topics and will share them with Pomona (simple list now available)

January 27th (Imbolc/Candlemas/Brigid/Groundhog’s Day) Zoe

March 17th (Ostara/Spring Equinox) Prosper

April 28th (Beltane)* Raven

June 23rd (Litha/Summer Solstice) Zoe

July 28th (Lughnasadh/First Harvest) Prosper Bread Offering

September 22nd (Mabon/Autumn Equinox/Second Harvest)*Raven

October 27th (Samhain/Final Harvest)*Raven

November 17th (Harvest Day – A different spin on Thanksgiving [a week before the actual day]) OPEN

December 15th (Yule)*Raven

23-Jun Zoe/Solstice
30-Jun Zyzzy
7-Jul Sofia
14-Jul Zoe
21-Jul Zyzzy
28-Jul Prosper/Lughnasadh/First Harvest
4-Aug Sofia
11-Aug Zyzzy
18-Aug Zoe
25-Aug Sofia
1-Sep Zyzzy
9-Sep Zoe
15-Sep Sofia
22-Sep Raven /Mabon
29-Sep Pomona
6-Oct Zyzzy
13-Oct Zoe
20-Oct Sofia
27-Oct RAVEN/Samhain
3-Nov Pomona??

Saturday service

  • No Report.

New Business

  • 8th principle: wait for sermon to discuss this

Next meeting August 25 at 5:30pm SLT at Zoe’s spot .

The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 pm SLT.

OLD INFO: (revisit or delete)

  • (Table until end of summer?)(Sofia) Should we as a congregation endorse the 8th principle? Sofia will take it as a topic in her series on the principles.

2022-06-30 LG Minutes

28 07 2022

Date: June 30, 2022

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

Sofia’s tropical island in the sky

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:31 pm SLT

Present: Zyzzy, Zoe, Sofia, Et, Raven, TED

Absent: Prosper, Pomona


Minutes – Zyzzy

  • Approved the June Minutes

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia

Treasurer’s report May 31, 2022

ASSETS April 30, 2022 May 31, 2022
Magic’s account L$27,233, L$30.152
Byk’s account L$223,041 US$1096.68 L$212.041 US$1096.68
KIVA: US$475 US$475
Total Assets L 250,274 US$1571.68 L 242,193 US$1571.68
EXPENSES April 30, 2022 May 31, 2022
Stone Circle & Tiny Carolers
L$34,000 L$42.000
Rent: L$150,000 L$150,000
Advertising: L$800 L$1000
Total Expenses L$184,800 L$193,000
INCOME April 30, 2022 May 31, 2022
Plate collections: L$23,946 L$27,065
Pledge payments: L$181,022 L$181,022 63% of pledge amount paid
Total Income L$204,968 L$208,087
Membership 35 35

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Nothing new

Outreach – Et

  • No news
  • (Some discussion about 8th principle. Article 2 rewrite commission is going to reach out to the RL congregations for the rewrite.)

Library Report – Pomona

  • None

Worship Report (Sofia)

Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through October of 2022. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (The regular rotation is Zyzzy-Zoe-Sofia). I have adjusted the schedule to get around my summer vacation plans so each of you should do the same and communicate by group email if swaps are needed.

I have included the pagan holidays led by Zoe, Raven and Prosper in the rotation following requests as indicated in earlier minutes. If anyone would like to claim one of the open spots, let me know.

TED has topics and will share them with Pomona (simple list now available)

January 27th (Imbolc/Candlemas/Brigid/Groundhog’s Day) Zoe

March 17th (Ostara/Spring Equinox) Prosper

April 28th (Beltane)* Raven

June 23rd (Litha/Summer Solstice) Zoe

July 28th (Lughnasadh/First Harvest) Prosper Bread Offering

September 22nd (Mabon/Autumn Equinox/Second Harvest)*Raven

October 27th (Samhain/Final Harvest)*Raven

November 17th (Harvest Day – A different spin on Thanksgiving [a week before the actual day]) OPEN

December 15th (Yule)*Raven

23-Jun Zoe/Solstice
30-Jun Zyzzy
7-Jul Sofia
14-Jul Zoe
21-Jul Zyzzy
28-Jul Prosper/Lughnasadh/First Harvest
4-Aug Sofia
11-Aug Zyzzy
18-Aug Zoe
25-Aug Sofia
1-Sep Zyzzy
9-Sep Zoe
15-Sep Sofia
22-Sep Raven /Mabon
29-Sep Pomona
6-Oct Zyzzy
13-Oct Zoe
20-Oct Sofia
27-Oct RAVEN/Samhain
3-Nov Pomona??

Saturday service – Last Saturday, no one showed up; TED can use the Open Topic prep next OT day. Homily about cooperation, nurturing, and a stable life environment drafted for this Saturday.

New Business.

  • None

Next meeting July 28 at 5:30pm SLT at Zoe and TED’s island.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:46 pm SLT.

OLD INFO: (revisit or delete)

  • (Table until end of summer?)(Sofia) Should we as a congregation endorse the 8th principle? Sofia will take it as a topic in her series on the principles.

2022-05-26 LG Minutes

30 06 2022

Date: May 26, 2022

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

At Zyyzy’s place!

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm SLT

Present: Zyzzy, Zoe, Sofia, Pomona, TED, Et (LATE)

Absent: Prosper, Raven

Observing: Kamal

Minutes – Zyzzy

  • The April Minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia

Treasurer’s report April 30, 2022

ASSETS March 31, 2022 April 30, 2022
Magic’s account L$20,883 L$27,233,
Byk’s account L$281,041 US$1096.68 L$223,041 US$1096.68
KIVA: US$475 US$475
Total Assets L 301,924 US$1571.68 L 250,274 US$1571.68
EXPENSES March 31, 2022 April 30, 2022
Stone Circle & Tiny Carolers
L$22,000 L$34,000
Rent: L$75,000 L$150,000
Advertising: L$600 L$800
Total Expenses L$97,600 L$184,800
INCOME March 31, 2022 April 30, 2022
Plate collections: L$17,346 L$23,946
Pledge payments: L$166,022 L$181,022 63% of pledge amount paid
Total Income L$183,368 L$204,968
Membership 35 35

Our pledge drive has ended. We have received 13 pledges amounting to L$290,000. The average is L$22,300. This should be sufficient for our expenses this year.

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Nothing new
  • Zyzzy finally put something on his land!

Outreach – Et (on the road to North Dakota)

  • No news

Library Report – Pomona

  • Renovations have been made to the fountain and exterior of library by Bel. Pomona thinks it needs something nicer and softer there.
  • Zoe and Pomona will work on making the area nicer
  • L$17,000 available for purchasing items for library.
  • Bookclub: Pomona does not have any suggestions for a bookclub at this time. Our experience with a club led by an outside person was not very successful. Not many people attended.
  • We will revisit it later. Scheduling is the problem for most of us.

Worship Report (Sofia)

Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through September of 2022. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (The regular rotation is Zyzzy-Zoe-Sofia). I have adjusted the schedule to get around my summer vacation plans so each of you should do the same and communicate by group email if swaps are needed.

I have included the pagan holidays led by Zoe, Raven and Prosper in the rotation following requests as indicated in earlier minutes. If anyone would like to claim one of the open spots, let me know.

TED has topics and will share them with Pomona (sorry, not done yet as of 5/26/22)

January 27th (Imbolc/Candlemas/Brigid/Groundhog’s Day) Zoe

March 17th (Ostara/Spring Equinox) Prosper

April 28th (Beltane)* Raven

June 23rd (Litha/Summer Solstice) Zoe

July 28th (Lughnasadh/First Harvest) Prosper Bread Offering

September 22nd (Mabon/Autumn Equinox/Second Harvest)*Raven

October 27th (Samhain/Final Harvest)*Raven

November 17th (Harvest Day – A different spin on Thanksgiving [a week before the actual day]) OPEN

December 15th (Yule)*Raven

12-May Zyzzy
19-May Zoe
26-May Sofia
2-Jun Zoe
9-Jun Sofia
16-Jun Zyzzy
23-Jun Zoe/Solstice
30-Jun Zyzzy
7-Jul Sofia
14-Jul Zoe
21-Jul Zyzzy
28-Jul Prosper/Lughnasadh/First Harvest
4-Aug Sofia
11-Aug Zyzzy
18-Aug Zoe
25-Aug Sofia
1-Sep Zyzzy
9-Sep Zoe
15-Sep Sofia
22-Sep Raven /Mabon

Saturday service

  • A few people showed up. Great conversations. Last week open topic. TED is supposed to do a homily this weekend and has no idea…we’ll see what happens.

New Business.

  • Nothing new.

Next meeting June 30 at 5:30pm SLT at Sofia’s tropical island in the sky

The meeting was adjourned at 5:59 pm SLT.

2022-04-21 LG Minutes

26 05 2022

Date: April 21, 2022

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

At TED and Zoe’s woodsy island

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:31 pm SLT

Present: Zyzzy, Zoe, Sofia, Raven, Pomona, Etaoin, TED

Absent: Prosper


Minutes – Zyzzy

TED: I speculate “20th” should be “10th”??? Otherwise hard to understand re anniversaries

  • Approved the March minutes

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia

Treasurer’s report March 31, 2022

ASSETS February 28, 2022 March 31, 2022
Magic’s account L$15,526 L$20,883
Byk’s account L$282,819 US$1096.68 L$281,041 US$1096.68
KIVA: US$475 US$475
Total Assets L 298,345 US$1571.68 L 301,924 US$1571.68
EXPENSES February 28, 2022 March 31, 2022
Stone Circle & Tiny Carolers
Rent: L$75,000 L$75,000
Advertising: L$400 L$600
Total Expenses L$96,408 L$97,600
INCOME February 28, 2022 March 31, 2022
Plate collections: L$11,787 L$17,346
Pledge payments: L$164.022 L$166,022 61% of pledge amount paid
Total Income L$175,809 L$183,368
Membership 35 new member Prosper 35

Pledges to date are L$272,022. I generally like it to be closer to L$300,000. I am still working on five persons who pledged a total of L$52,000 last year who would put us over L$300,000.

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Nothing new

Outreach – Et

  • No news
  • We have items in the Event schedule under “Discussion”

Library Report – Pomona

  • Book fountain replace? Can Zoe do this?
  • L$17,000 in the bank for object purchases available.
  • Events? Book club re-start? (Options for how to re-start – send suggestions to Pomona) Reader’s recommendations; book appreciation section of library.

Worship Report (Sofia)

Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through September of 2022. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (The regular rotation is Zyzzy-Zoe-Sofia). I have adjusted the schedule to get around my summer vacation plans so each of you should do the same and communicate by group email if swaps are needed.

I have included the pagan holidays led by Zoe, Raven and Prosper in the rotation following requests as indicated in earlier minutes. If anyone would like to claim one of the open spots, let me know.

TED has topics and will share them with Pomona

January 27th (Imbolc/Candlemas/Brigid/Groundhog’s Day) Zoe

March 17th (Ostara/Spring Equinox) Prosper

April 28th (Beltane)* Raven

June 23rd (Litha/Summer Solstice) Zoe

July 28th (Lughnasadh/First Harvest) Prosper Bread Offering

September 22nd (Mabon/Autumn Equinox/Second Harvest)*Raven

October 27th (Samhain/Final Harvest)*Raven

November 17th (Harvest Day – A different spin on Thanksgiving [a week before the actual day]) OPEN

December 15th (Yule)*Raven

14-Apr Zyzzy
21-Apr Zoe
28-Apr Raven/Beltane
5-May Sofia
12-May zyzzy
19-May Zoe
26-May Sofia
2-Jun Zoe
9-Jun Sofia
16-Jun Zyzzy
23-Jun Zoe/Solstice
30-Jun Zyzzy
7-Jul Sofia
14-Jul Zoe
21-Jul Zyzzy
28-Jul Prosper/Lughnasadh/First Harvest
4-Aug Sofia
11-Aug Zyzzy
18-Aug Zoe
25-Aug Sofia
1-Sep Zyzzy
9-Sep Zoe
15-Sep Sofia
22-Sep Raven /Mabon

Saturday service – TED had to bail on Saturday Service a couple of weeks ago due to short notice picking up spouse from hospital. Good discussion most recent Saturday. TED is short on time, but value of SatSvc makes it worth trying to carry on.

New Business.

  • Anniversary Celebration next week – dance party at the Party Platform DJ’d by Raven
  • We discussed improvements to the Library: something to replace the Book Fountain, and also something that could be a repository of book reviews and recommendations.
  • We all send our best hopes for good health to TED’s spouse.
  • Pomona is recovering well and looks forward to leading services again soon; she’ll let us know when she’s ready. Absolutely no pressure. Honest.
  • Replacement of the old Biz canopy over the discussion area? Prosper can whip up something and we can look.
  • Prosper can also tweak non-Biz prims in the Sanctuary to resolve some problems with resolution.
  • Declining attendance?
  • Et reports that both our services are listed in the LL Events under Discussions.
  • Prosper could lead meditation weekly. Sofia suggests it would be good to try it out a couple of times and see if there’s interest. Zyzzy suggests that a Notice be sent out in the Unitarian Universalists of SL group.
  • Prosper reminds us of the Thanksgiving dinner– would it be possible to have a dinner on a semi-regular basis?
  • Prosper suggests starting a newsletter.
  • (Sofia) Should we as a congregation endorse the 8th principle? Sofia will take it as a topic in her series on the principles.

Next meeting May 26 at 5:30pm SLT at

Zyyzy’s place!

The meeting was adjourned at 6:09 pm SLT.

2022-03-24 LG Minutes

21 04 2022

Date: March 24, 2022

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

At the sky circle above Alcott

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:37 pm SLT

Present: Zyzzy, Zoe, Sofia, Prosper, Bel, Raven, Pomona,

Absent: Etaoin, TED


Minutes – Zyzzy

  • Approved the February minutes:

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia

Treasurer’s report February 28, 2022

ASSETS January 31, 2021 February 28, 2021
Magic’s account L$9931 L$15,526
Byk’s account L$132,019 US$1096.68 L$282,819 US$1096.68
KIVA: US$475 US$475
Total Assets L$141,950 US$1571.68 L$298,345 US$1571.68
EXPENSES January 31, 2022 February 28, 2022
Stone Circle & Tiny Carolers
L$8,000 L$17,000
Rent: L$75,000 L$75,000
Advertising: L$200 L$400
Total Expenses L$83,200 L$96,408
INCOME January 31, 2022 February 28, 2022
Plate collections: L$5994 L$11,787
Pledge payments: L$84,800 L$164.022
Total Income L$90,794 L$175,809
Membership 34 35 – new member Prosper

Sofia notes that we have one new member, Prosper.

Note also that Sofia’s vision may prohibit her acting as Treasurer in future and she asks that others may consider taking on that responsibility. Sofia can get through the next year and help someone else take over the job.

We all express our sympathy for Sofia with this life-changing medical condition.

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Sofia asked about the lighthouse abandoned by Thisbe Blackadder when she discontinued renting in the NW (which plot?). It has remained in place because it looks good there and can stay there until someone else rents the plot and wants it removed.
  • 12th Anniversary of UUtopia is tomorrow, March 25th. Let’s plan to hold another anniversary party for the 15th anniversary, as we did 2 years ago for the 10th.

Outreach – Et not present

  • No news

Library Report – Pomona

  • (from February, not included in regular minutes)
  • Any improvements you want to do to the library is all okay with me. I haven’t had time to do anything there recently. LuvWorldReligions has all the money the LG gave plus whatever donations have come in. All those assets are assets of FUUCSL. I made the avatar but consider it property of FUUCSL. Who ever is running the library can use that avatar and build the inventory etc. Then when they leave the next person has everything they need to continue. It was my way of ensuring it kept going . I love the library and just want it to keep going. It is a blessing to many.
  • There are still things that belong to me there but you can send them back to me anytime. I had been trying to replace those items over time so everything there was from Luv and an asset of FUUCSL. Just know the girls that use the discussion area got very upset when I removed it and the cat LOL. They donate regularly so I try to keep them happy.
  • Oh, also if the media is turned on there should be a video about UU—–Turns out the TV is broken (sigh) I’m trying to find something else to put above the fireplace
  • (2) LuvWorldRelligions , the Librarian Avatar, has $L 17,903 gathered from various donation boxes in the Library.
  • (3) I (as LuvWorldReligions) made the Unitarian Universalism sign and the four “books” shown in that area LARGER. These are all in one of the “discussion areas” in the Library. The “books” are full of notecards (rather than links) with information about UU and UUtopia and FUUCSL. The text of these notecards follows below*. PLEASE let me know if you would like to suggest edits or additions.

*The text of the notecards was enclosed in Pomona’s email to the LG on March 14 which failed to reach all members; those who did not receive it can see the notecards by going to the library and clicking on the books.

Prosper suggests that there’s a way of publishing tablets in SL that opens text in a window you can read without it blocking the SL screen. He can also make a poster that would open notecards or these tablets.

Worship Report (Sofia)

Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through June of 2022. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (The regular rotation is Zyzzy-Zoe-Sofia)

I have included the pagan holidays led by Zoe, Raven and Prosper in the rotation following requests as indicated in earlier minutes. If anyone would like to claim one of the open spots, let me know.

January 27th (Imbolc/Candlemas/Brigid/Groundhog’s Day) Zoe

March 17th (Ostara/Spring Equinox) Prosper

April 28th (Beltane)* Raven

June 23rd (Litha/Summer Solstice) Zoe

July 28th (Lughnasadh/First Harvest) Prosper Bread Offering

September 22nd (Mabon/Autumn Equinox/Second Harvest)*Raven

October 27th (Samhain/Final Harvest)*Raven

November 17th (Harvest Day – A different spin on Thanksgiving [a week before the actual day]) OPEN

December 15th (Yule)*Raven

17-Mar Prosper/Ostara
24-Mar Zyzzy
31-Mar Zoe
7-Apr Sofia
14-Apr Zyzzy
21-Apr Zoe
28-Apr Raven/Beltane
5-May Sofia
Mary 12 Zyzzy
19-May Zoe
26-May Sofia
2-Jun Zyzzy
9-Jun Zoe
16-Jun Sofia
23-Jun Zoe/Solstice
30-Jun Zyzzy
7-Jul Sofia

Saturday service – TED was not here for a report.

New Business.

  • Replacement of the old Biz canopy over the discussion area? Prosper can whip up something and we can look.
  • Prosper can also tweak non-Biz prims in the Sanctuary to resolve some problems with resolution.
  • Declining attendance?
  • Additional events could attract more attendance, as could listing them in the SL events schedule. Sofia did a web search to find out how to list events there and says it’s easy.
  • Prosper could lead meditation weekly. Sofia suggests it would be good to try it out a couple of times and see if there’s interest. Zyzzy suggests that a Notice be sent out in the Unitarian Universalists of SL group.
  • Prosper reminds us of the Thanksgiving dinner– ould it be possible to have a dinner on a semi-regular basis?
  • Bel asks if we could have a monthly dance event. Liliana would be happy to DJ. Zoe could set up the party platform for a dance party April 28 after the Beltane service.

Liliana who will lead that service agrees that would be appropriate. Party platform is at

  • Prosper suggests starting a newsletter.

Next meeting April 28 at 5:30pm SLT at TED and Zoe’s woodsy island which is at

The meeting was adjourned at 6:09 pm SLT.