2023-08-24 LG Minutes

26 09 2023

Date: August 24, 2023

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

At the Library of World Religions, ground level meeting room

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm SLT

Present: Zyzzy, Sofia, Zoe

Absent: Et, Raven, TED, Prosper, Pomona

Observing: Hyacinth

Minutes – Zyzzy

  • Approved the July Minutes

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia

Treasurer’s report July 31, 2023

ASSETS June 30, 2023 July 31, 2023
Magic’s account L$40,551 L$47,273
Byk’s account L$253,591 US$1096.68 L$193,391 US$1046.68
($950 in paypal)
KIVA: US$475 US$130
Total Assets L$294,142 US$1571.68 L$240,664 US$1176,68
EXPENSES June 30, 2023 July 31, 2023
Presenters: L$50,000 L$58,000
Rent: L$150,000 L$225,000
Advertising: L$1200 L$1400
Total Expenses L$201,200 L$284,400
INCOME June 30, 2023 July 31, 2023
Plate collections: L$41,910 L$48,632
Pledge payments: L$258,100 L$258,100 2023: 78% of pledged amount
Total Income L$300,010 L$306,732
Membership 37 37

Our dollar balance is lower than last month because of two factors: (1) Our Kiva balance is no longer $475 (our initial investment) but $130. That is because, every time a micro-loan is made, a small service fee is subtracted, which gradually erodes the value of the account over time, and some loans are not repaid. The Kiva account automatically makes new micro-loans when earlier loans are repaid. (2) I transferred $1000 out of Second Life and into a paypal account set up for Byk. In the process I paid a $50 fee, so only $950 ended up in paypal. I have transmitted all the login information needed to control the finances of the congregation to Etaoin and Zyzzy.

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Orikosh is now over 2 months behind on rent. I’ve IM’ed her, but no response. If anyone has other contact methods, please try them.

Outreach – Et

  • No news is no news. Road Tripping, may be visiting TED next week!

Library Report – Pomona

  • (Etaoin says) Pomona sent an email about having to drop out of SL for a while, and plans to return.

Worship Report (Sofia)

Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through the end of 2023. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (The regular rotation is Zyzzy-Zoe-Sofia).


17-Aug Zyzzy
24-Aug Sofia
31-Aug Zoe
7-Sep Zyzzy
14-Sep Sofia
21-Sep Zoe Mabon
28-Sep Zyzzy
5-Oct Sofia
12-Oct Zoe
19-Oct Zyzzy
26-Oct Raven Samhain
2-Nov Sofia
9-Nov Zoe
16-Nov Zyzzy
23-Nov Sofia
30-Nov Zoe
7-Dec Zyzzy
14-Dec Zoe
21-Dec Raven Yule
28-Dec Sofia

Saturday service – TED

New Business

  • Sofia – suggestions for the 48 cushions in the Sanctuary. Possibly pick up every-other cushion. We decided to do it as a trial. Zyzzy will make it happen.
  • How do we amend our Bylaws? Sofia passed the bylaws around and the process is there.

Next meeting: September 28 at Sofia’s Beach Cabana

The meeting was adjourned at 5:52 pm SLT.

Parking Lot: (revisit or delete)

  • Pride Party in 2024 – 2nd Thursday or Saturday of June? Pride Service and Party
  • 8th Principle vote. See See next bullet. Also update Region Covenant.

