2023-07-27 LG Minutes

24 08 2023

Date: July 27, 2023

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

At the Library of World Religions, ground level meeting room

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm SLT

Present: Zyzzy, Sofia, Et, Zoe, Raven, TED

Absent: Prosper, Pomona


Minutes – Zyzzy

  • Approved the June Minutes

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia

ASSETS May 31, 2023 June 30, 2023
Magic’s account L$32,603 L$40,551
Byk’s account L$253,591 US$1096.68 L$253,591 US$1096.68
KIVA: US$475 US$475
Total Assets L$286,194 US$1571.68 L$294,142 US$1571.68
EXPENSES May 31, 2023 June 30, 2023
Presenters: L$41,000 L$50,000
Rent: L$150,000 L$150,000
Advertising: L$1000 L$1200
Total Expenses L$192,000 L$201,200
INCOME May 31, 2023 June 30, 2023
Plate collections: L$33,962 L$41,910
Pledge payments: L$233,100 L$258,100 2023: 78% of pledged amount
Total Income L$267,062 L$300,010
Membership 37 37
  • I have created a PayPal account for Treasurer Byk. I would like to propose a motion to transfer $1000 from inside of Second Life to this PayPal account. I will share the login details for this account with Zyzzy (moderator) and Etaoin (secretary). We should discuss whether more people want to or should be party to this information.
  • Moved to transfer US$1000 to the PayPal account that RL Sofia set up. Login information to be shared via notecard to Zyzzy and Etaoin. Seconded by Zoe. Passed unanimously.

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Don Setzer left his parcel. He said he might return someday.

Outreach – Et

  • No news is no news.

Library Report – Pomona

  • (Etaoin says) Pomona sent an email about having to drop out of SL for a while, and plans to return.

Thursday Worship Report- Sofia

Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through the end of 2023. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (The regular rotation is Zyzzy-Zoe-Sofia).

Here are the upcoming pagan services for 2023. Raven has claimed some and some are open. If anyone wishes to lead one of the open services, please let me know, and I’ll include it in the schedule..

Imbolc: February 2nd, 2023 Zoe (reg rotation)
Ostara: March 23rd, 2023* Raven
Beltane: April 27th, 2023* Raven
Litha/Midsummer: June 22nd, 2023 Prosper
Lughnasadh: July 27th, 2023 Pomona
Mabon: September 21st, 2023 Zoe
Samhain: October 26th, 2023* Raven
Yule: December 21st, 2023* Raven

The (somewhat) regular rotation proceeds as follows:


29-Jun Zyzzy
6-Jul Sofia
13-Jul Zoe
20-Jul Sofia
27-Jul TED Lughnasadh
3-Aug Zyzzy
10-Aug Zoe
17-Aug Zyzzy
24-Aug Sofia
31-Aug Zoe
7-Sep Zyzzy
14-Sep Sofia
21-Sep Zoe Mabon
28-Sep Zyzzy
5-Oct Sofia
12-Oct Zoe
19-Oct Zyzzy
26-Oct Raven Samhain
2-Nov Sofia
9-Nov Zoe
16-Nov Zyzzy
23-Nov Sofia
30-Nov Zoe
7-Dec Zyzzy
14-Dec Zoe
21-Dec Raven Yule
28-Dec Sofia

Saturday service – TED

  • Homily proposed for this week. Open Topic every other week.

New Business

  • None

Next meeting: August 24 at

Library of World Religions, ground level meeting room

The meeting was adjourned at 5:52 pm SLT.

Parking Lot: (revisit or delete)

  • Pride Party in 2024 – 2nd Thursday or Saturday of June? Pride Service and Party
  • 8th Principle vote. See See next bullet. Also update Region Covenant.
  • How do we amend our Bylaws? Sofia will research this.

Meeting places:

  • http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/UUtopia/147/100/1862
  • http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/UUtopia/139/75/21

2023-06-29 LG Minutes

27 07 2023

Date: June 29, 2023

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:35 pm SLT

Present: Zyzzy, Sofia, Et, Zoe, Raven, TED

Absent: Prosper, Pomona


Minutes – Zyzzy

  • Approved the May Minutes

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia

Treasurer’s report May 31, 2023

ASSETS April 30, 2023 May 31, 2023
Magic’s account L$26,966 L$32,603
Byk’s account L$184, 191 US$1096.68 L$253,591 US$1096.68
KIVA: US$475 US$475
Total Assets L$211,157 US$1571.68 L$286,194 US$1571.68
EXPENSES April 30, 2023 May 31, 2023
Presenters: L$34,000 L$41,000
Rent: L$150,000 L$150,000
Advertising: L$800 L$1000
Total Expenses L$184,800 L$192,000
INCOME April 30, 2023 May 31, 2023
Plate collections: L$28,175 L$33,962
Pledge payments: L$233,100 L$233,100 2023: 72% of pledged amount
Total Income L$261,275 L$267,062
Membership 37 37

At this meeting I would like to discuss the idea of removing the bulk of our dollar resources ($1096,68) from Second Life. After keeping a prudent balance in SL in case expenses exceed income, I would keep “our endowment” secure someplace outside of Second Life, with access available to other officers of FUUCSL. Ideas are welcome.

  • Board agrees that Sofia looks at how to take out USD from SL. See Parking lot.

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Nothin’ happenin’

Outreach – Et

  • GA June 21-25. Et, Zyzzy, and Sofia attended. GA2024 is virtual, GA 2025 is in Baltimore (30 miles from Et).

Library Report – Pomona

  • No news

Worship Report (Sofia)

Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through the end of 2023. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (The regular rotation is Zyzzy-Zoe-Sofia).

Here are the upcoming pagan services for 2023. Raven has claimed some and some are open. If anyone wishes to lead one of the open services, please let me know, and I’ll include it in the schedule..

  • Imbolc: February 2nd, 2023 Zoe (reg rotation)
  • Ostara: March 23rd, 2023* Raven
  • Beltane: April 27th, 2023* Raven
  • Litha/Midsummer: June 22nd, 2023 Prosper
  • Lughnasadh: July 27th, 2023 Pomona
  • Mabon: September 21st, 2023 Zoe
  • Samhain: October 26th, 2023* Raven
  • Yule: December 21st, 2023*Raven

The (somewhat) regular rotation proceeds as follows:



29-Jun Zyzzy
6-Jul Sofia
13-Jul Zoe
20-Jul Sofia
27-Jul Pomona Lughnasadh
10-Aug Zoe
17-Aug Zyzzy
24-Aug Sofia
31-Aug Zoe
7-Sep Zyzzy
14-Sep Sofia
21-Sep Zoe Mabon
28-Sep Zyzzy
5-Oct Sofia
12-Oct Zoe
19-Oct Zyzzy
26-Oct Raven Samhain
2-Nov Sofia
9-Nov Zoe
16-Nov Zyzzy
23-Nov Sofia
30-Nov Zoe
7-Dec Zyzzy
14-Dec Zoe
21-Dec Raven Yule
28-Dec Sofia

Saturday service – TED

  • Homily proposed for this week. Open Topic every other week.

New Business

  • Taking $$$ out of Second Life and keeping safe somewhere else – Sofia investigating.
  • Pride Party? Zoe has led a couple of Pride services and wonders if we want to expand that into a party.
  • Raven: I thought about that. It might be better if we could plan ahead for next year. But if we wanted to hold a dance before the month is out, Wednesday before service or Friday after service at a decent hour sounds good. I’ve already DJed two pride dances at Sacred Cauldron & Left Hand Path Academy.
  • See Parking lot

Next meeting: July 27 at Library of World Religions, ground level meeting room

The meeting was adjourned at 5:58 pm SLT.

Parking Lot: (revisit or delete)

  • Pride Party in 2024 – 2nd Thursday or Saturday of June? Pride Service and Party
  • 8th Principle vote. See

Next meeting at the
Library of World Religions, ground level meeting room

2023-05-25 LG Minutes

29 06 2023

Date: June 29, 2023

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:35 pm SLT

Present: Zyzzy, Sofia, Et, Zoe, Raven, TED

Absent: Prosper, Pomona


Minutes – Zyzzy

  • Approved the May Minutes

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia

Treasurer’s report May 31, 2023

ASSETS April 30, 2023 May 31, 2023
Magic’s account L$26,966 L$32,603
Byk’s account L$184, 191 US$1096.68 L$253,591 US$1096.68
KIVA: US$475 US$475
Total Assets L$211,157 US$1571.68 L$286,194 US$1571.68
EXPENSES April 30, 2023 May 31, 2023
Presenters: L$34,000 L$41,000
Rent: L$150,000 L$150,000
Advertising: L$800 L$1000
Total Expenses L$184,800 L$192,000
INCOME April 30, 2023 May 31, 2023
Plate collections: L$28,175 L$33,962
Pledge payments: L$233,100 L$233,100 2023: 72% of pledged amount
Total Income L$261,275 L$267,062
Membership 37 37

At this meeting I would like to discuss the idea of removing the bulk of our dollar resources ($1096,68) from Second Life. After keeping a prudent balance in SL in case expenses exceed income, I would keep “our endowment” secure someplace outside of Second Life, with access available to other officers of FUUCSL. Ideas are welcome.

  • Board agrees that Sofia looks at how to take out USD from SL. See Parking lot.

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Nothin’ happenin’

Outreach – Et

  • GA June 21-25. Et, Zyzzy, and Sofia attended. GA2024 is virtual, GA 2025 is in Baltimore (30 miles from Et).

Library Report – Pomona

  • No news

Worship Report (Sofia)

Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through the end of 2023. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (The regular rotation is Zyzzy-Zoe-Sofia).

Here are the upcoming pagan services for 2023. Raven has claimed some and some are open. If anyone wishes to lead one of the open services, please let me know, and I’ll include it in the schedule..

  • Imbolc: February 2nd, 2023 Zoe (reg rotation)
  • Ostara: March 23rd, 2023* Raven
  • Beltane: April 27th, 2023* Raven
  • Litha/Midsummer: June 22nd, 2023 Prosper
  • Lughnasadh: July 27th, 2023 Pomona
  • Mabon: September 21st, 2023 Zoe
  • Samhain: October 26th, 2023* Raven
  • Yule: December 21st, 2023*Raven

The (somewhat) regular rotation proceeds as follows:


29-Jun Zyzzy
6-Jul Sofia
13-Jul Zoe
20-Jul Sofia
27-Jul Pomona Lughnasadh
3-Aug Zyzzy
10-Aug Zoe
17-Aug Zyzzy
24-Aug Sofia
31-Aug Zoe
7-Sep Zyzzy
14-Sep Sofia
21-Sep Zoe Mabon
28-Sep Zyzzy
5-Oct Sofia
12-Oct Zoe
19-Oct Zyzzy
26-Oct Raven Samhain
2-Nov Sofia
9-Nov Zoe
16-Nov Zyzzy
23-Nov Sofia
30-Nov Zoe
7-Dec Zyzzy
14-Dec Zoe
21-Dec Raven Yule
28-Dec Sofia

Saturday service – TED

  • Homily proposed for this week. Open Topic every other week.

New Business

  • Taking $$$ out of Second Life and keeping safe somewhere else – Sofia investigating.
  • Pride Party? Zoe has led a couple of Pride services and wonders if we want to expand that into a party.
  • Raven: I thought about that. It might be better if we could plan ahead for next year. But if we wanted to hold a dance before the month is out, Wednesday before service or Friday after service at a decent hour sounds good. I’ve already DJed two pride dances at Sacred Cauldron & Left Hand Path Academy.
  • See Parking lot

Next meeting: July 27 at Library of World Religions, ground level meeting room

The meeting was adjourned at 5:58 pm SLT.

Parking Lot: (revisit or delete)

  • Pride Party in 2024 – 2nd Thursday or Saturday of June? Pride Service and Party
  • 8th Principle vote. See

Next meeting at the
Library of World Religions, ground level meeting room

2023-04-27 LG Minutes

25 05 2023

Date: April 27, 2023

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

At the little meeting circle near the sanctuary.

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:31 pm SLT

Present: Zyzzy, Sofia, Et, Zoe, Raven, TED

Absent: Pomona, Prosper


Minutes – Zyzzy

  • Approved the March Minutes

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia –

Treasurer’s report March 31, 2023

ASSETS Feb 28, 2023 March 31, 2023
Magic’s account L$13,268 L$19,834
Byk’s account L$178,441 US$1096.68 L$277,191 US$1096.68
KIVA: US$475 US$475
Total Assets L$191,709 US$1571.68 L$297,025 US$1571.68
EXPENSES Feb 28, 2023 Mar 31, 2023
Presenters: L$16,000 L$24,000
Rent: L$75,000 L$150,000
Advertising: L$250 L$600
Total Expenses L$91,250 L$174,600
INCOME Feb 28, 2023 Mar 31, 2023
Plate collections: L$14,027 L$20,793
Pledge payments: L$144,500 L$156,700 2023: 48% of pledged amount
Total Income L$158,527 L$177,493
Membership 36 36

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Nothin’ happenin’

Outreach – Et

  • GA!. Et, Zyzzy, and Sofia planning on attending. Prosper may also. (GA 2024 may be all virtual.) discuss.uua.org has notes on Article II suggestions. Including one from me (on behalf of some RL congregation comments). Et will look for the banner.

Library Report – Pomona

  • No news

Worship Report (Sofia)

Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through August of 2023. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (The regular rotation is Zyzzy-Zoe-Sofia).

Here are the upcoming pagan services for 2023. Raven has claimed some and some are open. If anyone wishes to lead one of the open services, please let me know, and I’ll include it in the schedule..

  • Imbolc: February 2nd, 2023 ZOE (reg rotation)
  • Ostara: March 23rd, 2023* RAVEN
  • Beltane: April 27th, 2023* RAVEN
  • Litha/Midsummer: June 22nd, 2023 Prosper
  • Lughnasadh: July 27th, 2023 Pomona
  • Mabon: September 21st, 2023 ZOE
  • Samhain: October 26th, 2023* RAVEN
  • Yule: December 21st, 2023*RAVEN

The (somewhat) regular rotation proceeds as follows:

30-Mar Zyzzy
6-Apr Pomona
13-Apr Sofia
20-Apr 8th Principle Zyzzy leads
27-Apr Raven Beltane
4-May Hyacinth
11-May Zyzzy
18-May Zoe
25-May Sofia
1-Jun Zyzzy
8-Jun Zoe
15-Jun Sofia
22-Jun Prosper Midsummer (GA 6/21-25)
29-Jun Zyzzy
6-Jul Sofia
13-Jul Zoe
20-Jul Sofia
27-Jul Pomona Lughnasadh
3-Aug Zyzzy
10-Aug Zoe

Saturday service – TED

  • No news.

8th Principle vote

  • 4/20 service chat:

[19:22] Zyzzy Zarf: Ok. We’re voting now on these options:

[19:22] Zyzzy Zarf: – 1. Accept the National proposal

[18:51] – 2. Accept the FUUCSL proposal

[18:51] – 3. Accept Sofia’s chatGPT version.

[18:51] – 4. Craft a new proposal that satisfies our objections to the three.

[18:51] – 5. Reject all the proposals and not adopt an 8th Principle

[18:51] – 6. Not ready to decide anything. Keep discussing.


[19:22] Pomona Writer: Dav0? Hyacinth?

[19:23] dav0clure (dav0.turas): 6

[19:23] Aime Ravenhurst: 1

[19:23] LillyLal: 1

[19:23] Etaoin Barcelona: 1

[19:23] Hyacinth (coderchik): 1

[19:23] Pomona Writer: 2

[19:23] Zyzzy Zarf: 1

[19:23] TooEasilyDistracted: 2 or 4

[19:23] Hyacinth (coderchik): I am not a voting member though

[19:23] Pomona Writer: OK, thanks Hy.

[19:23] Zyzzy Zarf: That’s ok, Hy

[19:23] Zyzzy Zarf: Is that everyone?

[19:23] Zyzzy Zarf: Yes

[19:23] Zyzzy Zarf: Ok

[19:24] Etaoin Barcelona: (I’ll record this vote for the Leadership Group meeting next week)

[19:24] TooEasilyDistracted: Good work Et

[19:24] Pomona Writer: thanks, ET

[19:24] TooEasilyDistracted: Good work Et

[19:24] Pomona Writer: thanks, ET

[19:24] Zyzzy Zarf: Yes. We need to unscramble this. There’s a clear majority for option 1, but we’ll see if that’s enough

[19:25] Zyzzy Zarf: Thank you all!

[19:25] – ** Closing words and Extinguishing the Chalice **

  • Discussion during LG: a too-small number of members.

No urgency to adopt right now. May be best to just note “support for the 8th Principle”

Resolve:In the spirit of the Eighth Principle, this congregation should continue to strive to understand and work against all oppressions.

m/s/p; Resolution passes.

  • Proposed 8th Principle language: We value the cultural diversity, communication, and cooperation of all social groups; we hope to extinguish misconceptions, stereotypes, discrimination, and other oppressions in ourselves and in our institutions.
  • National proposal: “We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountability dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”
  • Re-write by ChatGPT: As member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, we covenant to promote a journey towards spiritual wholeness. We will actively work to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community that dismantles racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions. Our commitment to accountability and justice will guide our actions. (Sofia)

New Business

Next meeting: May 25 at the meeting circle.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:49 pm SLT.

Parking Lot: (revisit or delete)

2023-03-23 LG Minutes

27 04 2023

Date: March 23, 2023

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

At the little meeting circle near the sanctuary.

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:34 pm SLT

Present: Zyzzy, Pomona, Sofia, Et, Zoe

Absent: TED, Prosper, Raven


Minutes – Zyzzy

  • Approved the February Minutes:

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia –

Treasurer’s report March 31, 2023

ASSETS Feb 28, 2023 March 31, 2023
Magic’s account L$13,268 L$19,834
Byk’s account L$178,441 US$1096.68 L$277,191 US$1096.68
KIVA: US$475 US$475
Total Assets L$191,709 US$1571.68 L$297,025 US$1571.68
EXPENSES Feb 28, 2023 Mar 31, 2023
Presenters: L$16,000 L$16,000
Rent: L$75,000 L$150,000
Advertising: L$250 L$350
Total Expenses L$91,250 L$166,350
INCOME Feb 28, 2023 Mar 31, 2023
Plate collections: L$14,027 L$20,793
Pledge payments: L$144,500 L$156,700 2023: 48% of pledged amount
Total Income L$158,527 L$177,493
Membership 36 36

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Aime moved to Alcott NNW
  • A new resident, Stella Vespera (far.wanderer) immediately snapped up Aime’s 1024 in UUtopia

Outreach – Et

  • GA!. Et, Zyzzy, and Sofia planning on attending. Prosper may also. (GA 2024 may be all virtual.) UUA accepting comments on the new Article II April 1-30.

Library Report – Pomona

  • No news

Worship Report (Sofia)

Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through August of 2023. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (The regular rotation is Zyzzy-Zoe-Sofia).

Here are the upcoming pagan services for 2023. Raven has claimed some and some are open. If anyone wishes to lead one of the open services, please let me know, and I’ll include it in the schedule..

  • Imbolc: February 2nd, 2023 Zoe (reg rotation)
  • Ostara: March 23rd, 2023* Raven
  • Beltane: April 27th, 2023* Raven
  • Litha/Midsummer: June 22nd, 2023 Prosper
  • Lughnasadh: July 27th, 2023 Pomona
  • Mabon: September 21st, 2023 Zoe
  • Samhain: October 26th, 2023* Raven
  • Yule: December 21st, 2023*Raven

The (somewhat) regular rotation proceeds as follows:


5-Jan Zyzzy
12-Jan Raven
19-Jan Sofia
26-Jan Zyzzy
2-Feb Etaoin
9-Feb Sofia
16-Feb Zyzzy
23-Feb Zoe
2-Mar Sofia
9-Mar Zyzzy
16-Mar Zoe
23-Mar Raven OSTARA
30-Mar Zyzzy
6-Apr Pomona
13-Apr Sofia
20-Apr 8th Principle Zyzzy leads
27-Apr Raven BELTANE
4-May Hyacinth
11-May Zyzzy
18-May Zoe
25-May Sofia
1-Jun Zyzzy
8-Jun Zoe
15-Jun Sofia
22-Jun Prosper Midsummer (GA 6/21-25)
29-Jun Zyzzy
6-Jul Sofia
13-Jul Zoe
20-Jul Sofia
27-Jul Pomona Lughnasadh
3-Aug Zyzzy
10-Aug Zoe

Saturday service – TED

  • No news.

8th Principle vote

  • 3/30 through 4/20 services– discuss alternative wording during the services.
  • 4/20 “this is not a regular service, this is a discussion/vote” Several of us can run the service.
  • Voted by the Board to do this.
  • Proposed 8th Principle language: We value the cultural diversity, communication, and cooperation of all social groups; we hope to extinguish misconceptions, stereotypes, discrimination, and other oppressions in ourselves and in our institutions.
  • National proposal: “We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”
  • Re-write by ChatGPT: As member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, we covenant to promote a journey towards spiritual wholeness. We will actively work to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community that dismantles racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions. Our commitment to accountability and justice will guide our actions. (Sofia)

New Business

  • Congregational vote to adopt 8th principle? Congregational vote to include current Principles in our Bylaws?

Next meeting: April 27 at the meeting circle.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:59 pm SLT.

Parking Lot : (revisit or delete)

2023-02-23 LG Minutes

22 03 2023

Date: February 23, 2023

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

Party Platform.

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:36 pm SLT

Present: Zyzzy, Pomona, Sofia, Et, TED, Zoe, Prosper

Absent: Raven

Observing: Hyacinth

Minutes – Zyzzy

  • Approved the January Minutes:

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia –

Treasurer’s report January 31, 2023

ASSETS DECEMBER 31, 2022 January 31, 2023
Magic’s account L$79,641 L$6859
Byk’s account L$131,441 US$1096.68 L$128,441 US$1096.68
KIVA: US$475 US$475
Total Assets L$211,082 US$1571.68 L$135,300 US$1571.68
EXPENSES 2022 2023
Presenters: L$103,000 L$8000
Rent: L$300,000 L$75,000
Advertising: L$2400 L$200
Total Expenses L$405,400 L$83,200
INCOME 2022 2023
Plate collections: L$78,104 L$7418
Pledge payments: L$317,122 2022: % of pledged amount L$0*
Total Income L$395,226 L$7418
Membership 35 35

*Pledge drive begins in February

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Aime moved to Alcott NNW
  • A new resident, Stella Vespera (far.wanderer) immediately snapped up Aime’s 1024 in UUtopia

Outreach – Et

  • GA!. Et, Zyzzy, and Sofia planning on attending. Prosper may also. (GA 2024 may be all virtual.)

Library Report – Pomona

  • No news

Worship Report (Sofia)

Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through May of 2023. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (The regular rotation is Zyzzy-Zoe-Sofia).

Here are the upcoming pagan services for 2023. Raven has claimed some and some are open. If anyone wishes to lead one of the open services, please let me know, and I’ll include it in the schedule..

  • Imbolc: February 2nd, 2023 Zoe (reg rotation)
  • Ostara: March 23rd, 2023* Raven
  • Beltane: April 27th, 2023* Raven
  • Litha/Midsummer: June 22nd, 2023 Prosper
  • Lughnasadh: July 27th, 2023 Pomona
  • Mabon: September 21st, 2023 Zoe
  • Samhain: October 26th, 2023* Raven
  • Yule: December 21st, 2023* Raven

The (somewhat) regular rotation proceeds as follows:


5-Jan Zyzzy 1000
12-Jan Raven 1000
19-Jan Sofia 1000
26-Jan Zyzzy 1000
2-Feb Etaoin IMBOLC
9-Feb Sofia
16-Feb Zyzzy
23-Feb Zoe
2-Mar Sophia
9-Mar Zyzzy
16-Mar Zoe
23-Mar Raven OSTARA
30-Mar Zyzzy
6-Apr Pomona
13-Apr Sofia
20-Apr Zoe
27-Apr Raven BELTANE
4-May Hyacinth
11-May Zyzzy
18-May Zoe
25-May Sofia
1-Jun Zyzzy
8-Jun Zoe
15-Jun Sofia

Saturday service

  • Pretty good attendance at SatSvc recently, several Europeans, nice folks.

New Business

  • Congregational vote to adopt 8th principle? Congregational vote to include current Principles in our Bylaws?
  • Proposed 8th Principle language: We value the cultural diversity, communication, and cooperation of all social groups; we hope to extinguish misconceptions, stereotypes, discrimination, and other oppressions in ourselves and in our institutions.
  • Do we explicitly include racism? ableism? Xenophobia? Agency? Right to choose? Gender identity? Other things we are “uncomfortable to talk about”?
  • National proposal: “We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”

Next meeting: March 23 at the little meeting circle near Sanctuary.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:17 pm SLT.

Parking Lot
(revisit or delete)

  • FOR NEXT MEETING, Should we as a congregation endorse the 8th principle? Sofia will take it as a topic in her series on the principle on December 29 so we should wait one more month before we discuss it at the Leadership Group (says Sofia).

2023-01-26 LG Minutes

23 02 2023

Date: January 26, 2023

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

At Library discussion area, freshly redecorated.

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm SLT

Present: Zyzzy, Pomona, Sofia, Et, Raven

Absent: TED, Zoe, Prosper


Minutes – Zyzzy

  • Approved the December Minutes

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia –

Treasurer’s report December 31, 2022

Magic’s account L$104,187 L$79,641
Byk’s account L$120,027 US$1096.68 L$131,441 US$1096.68
KIVA: US$475 US$475
Total Assets L$224,214 US$1571.68 L$211,082 US$1571.68
EXPENSES 2021 2022
Presenters: L$103,000 L$103,000
Rent: L$300,000 L$300,000
Advertising: L$2600 L$2400
Total Expenses L$405,600 L$405,400
INCOME 2021 2022
Plate collections: L$107,150 L$78,104
Pledge payments: L$321,259 2021: 96% of pledged amount L$317,122 2022: 99.4% of pledged amount
Total Income L$428,409 L$395,226
Membership 34 35*

· In 2022, there were 14 pledging members, down from 18 in 2021. I will begin soliciting 2023 pledges in February, by announcements at services, notices and personal IMs.

*Dec 15 new member Stella Vespera

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Nothing new

Outreach – Et

  • No news.
  • UUA Article 2 Bylaws update; GA 2023 June 21-25 Pittsburgh

Library Report – Pomona

  • No news

Worship Report (Sofia)

Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through May of 2023. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (The regular rotation is Zyzzy-Zoe-Sofia).

Here are the upcoming pagan services for 2023. Raven has claimed some and some are open. If anyone wishes to lead one of the open services, please let me know, and I’ll include it in the schedule..

  • Imbolc: February 2nd, 2023 ZOE (reg rotation)
  • Ostara: March 23rd, 2023* RAVEN
  • Beltane: April 27th, 2023* RAVEN
  • Litha/Midsummer: June 22nd, 2023 Prosper
  • Lughnasadh: July 27th, 2023 Pomona
  • Mabon: September 21st, 2023 ZOE
  • Samhain: October 26th, 2023* RAVEN
  • Yule: December 21st, 2023* RAVEN

The (somewhat) regular rotation proceeds as follows:



5-Jan Zyzzy
12-Jan Raven
19-Jan Sofia
26-Jan Zyzzy
2-Feb Zoe IMBOLC
9-Feb Sofia
16-Feb Zyzzy
23-Feb Zoe
9-Mar Zyzzy
16-Mar Zoe
23-Mar Raven OSTARA
30-Mar Zyzzy
6-Apr Pomona
13-Apr Sofia
20-Apr Zoe
27-Apr Raven BELTANE
4-May Zyzzy
11-May Zoe
18-May Sofia
25-May Zyzzy
1-Jun Zoe
8-Jun Sofia

Saturday service

  • No report this month

New Business

  • Distributed Visitor Monoliths to everyone to play with. These detect avatars in the area and will report when they are first and last seen.
  • Anti-Griefer Stuff: since a recent episode with trolls at the service, some of us would like info on how to eject and ban people. Also, we may want to review our land permissions and make sure all LG members have the ability to eject and ban people sim-wide and not only on one parcel at a time. Zoe has copied some of her old security info from Dublin years ago, and will share a folder of those notecards at our meeting, that we can look over at our leisure, as examples of anti-griefer procedures. Let’s keep this in the Parking Lot until after the holidays, and then schedule a time to practice ejecting and stuff. ADD TO JANUARY MEETING
  • Eric’s notes: (using Firestorm)
    • If griefing loudly, actively: open IM window (no message needed) and ban immediately. IM window will let you get to the avatar profile quickly.
    • IM griefer and nudge to civility–maybe something else is going on.
    • Give griefer an opportunity to be civil; some will play nice for a little while but then turn bad.
    • To ban:
      • World > Region Details (or ALT-R)
      • “Access” tab
      • “Banned” sub-tab
      • “Add…” button
      • Search for the avatar’s name, hit Go. You can copy the name from the IM window profile, or hit “Near Me”.
      • Click on name in result list.
      • You will get a window titled “Deny access for this estate only or for all estates that you manage for Zyzzy Zarf”. Hit “All Estates”
      • Avatar will disappear!
      • Optionally, send an abuse report: (I always do because some griefers will send a abuse report against you)
    • Bring up profile (from the IM window)
    • On 2nd Life tab, hit gear dropdown in lower right corner
    • “Report” button
    • Send an abuse report. Category is usually “Harrassment” In summary note this is to counter an abuse report they may send against you. Include IM chat in Details, and selected open chat.
    • Select “Report Abuse”

    Next meeting: February 23 at Party Platform.

    The meeting was adjourned at 6:07 pm SLT.

    Parking Lot
    (revisit or delete)

    • FOR NEXT MEETING, Should we as a congregation endorse the 8th principle? Sofia will take it as a topic in her series on the principle on December 29 so we should wait one more month before we discuss it at the Leadership Group (says Sofia).

2022-12-01 LG Minutes

26 01 2023

Date: December 1, 2022

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

At Sofia’s North Island

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm SLT

Present: Zyzzy, Zoe, Pomona, TED, Sofia, Et, Prosper

Absent: Raven


Minutes – Zyzzy

  • Approved the October Minutes

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia

There are two reports this month, because of the combined Nov/Dec meeting.

Treasurer’s report October 31, 2022

ASSETS Sept 30, 2022 Oct 31, 2022
Magic’s account L$55,289 L$61,790
Byk’s account L$179,541 US$1096.68 L$89,541 US$1096.68
KIVA: US$475 US$475
Total Assets L 234,830 US$1571.68 L 151,331 US$1571.68
Year to date
Sept 30, 2022 Oct 31, 2022
Stone Circle & Tiny Carolers
L$76,000 L$85,000
Rent: L$225,000 L$300,000
Advertising: L$1800 L$2000
Total Expenses L$302,800 L$387,000
Year to date
Sept 30, 2022 Oct 31, 2022
Plate collections: L$53,052 L$59,803
Pledge payments: L$257,222 L$284,687 98.5% of pledge amount paid
Total Income L$310,274 L$344,490
Membership 35 35

Treasurer’s report November 30, 2022

ASSETS Oct 31, 2022 Nov 30, 2022
Magic’s account L$61,790 L$66,459
Byk’s account L$89,541 US$1096.68 L$119.441 US$1096.68
KIVA: US$475 US$475
Total Assets L 151,331 US$1571.68 L 185,900 US$1571.68
Year to date
Oct 31, 2022 Nov 30, 2022
Stone Circle & Tiny Carolers
L$85,000 L$93,000
Rent: L$300,000 L$300,000
Advertising: L$2000 L$2200
Total Expenses L$387,000 L$395,200
Year to date
Oct 31, 2022 Nov 30, 2022
Plate collections: L$59,803 L$64,672
Pledge payments: L$284,687 L$287,122 99.3% of pledge amount paid
Total Income L$344,490 L$351,794
Membership 35 35

A small deficit this year, but we have reserves to cover this. Noted that we need to grow the membership.

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Nothing new

Outreach – Et

  • No news.

Library Report – Pomona

  • No news

Thursday Worship Report (Sofia)

Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through March of 2023. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (The regular rotation is Zyzzy-Zoe-Sofia). Raven has also asked for the service on January 12, but I’ve forgotten the reason. Perhaps someone could add the topic, here, during our meeting tonight.

Here are the upcoming pagan services for 2023. Raven has claimed some and some are open. If anyone wishes to lead one of the open services, please let me know, and I’ll include it in the schedule..

  • Imbolc: February 2nd, 2023 Zoe (reg rotation)
  • Ostara: March 23rd, 2023* Raven
  • Beltane: April 27th, 2023* Raven
  • Litha/Midsummer: June 22nd, 2023 Prosper
  • Lughnasadh: July 27th, 2023 OPEN
  • Mabon: September 21st, 2023 Zoe
  • Samhain: October 26th, 2023* Raven
  • Yule: December 21st, 2023* Raven

The (somewhat) regular rotation proceeds as follows:

24-Nov Sofia
1-Dec Zoe
8-Dec Zyzzy
15-Dec Raven/Yule
22-Dec Zoe – Tiny C.
29-Dec Sofia


5-Jan Zyzzy
12-Jan Raven
19-Jan Sofia
26-Jan Zyzzy
2-Feb Zoe Imbolc
9-Feb Sofia
16-Feb Zyzzy
23-Feb Zoe
2-Mar Sofia
9-Mar Zyzzy
16-Mar Zoe
23-Mar Raven Ostara

Saturday service – TED

  • TED: My eyes are done and I’m home, can do Saturday this week. Very odd vision just now, but it works, and should get better. Hooray!

New Business

  • Article II discussion at the UUA (for our information only)

Next meeting: January 26 at LIbrary discussion area, freshly redecorated.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 pm SLT.

Parking Lot:

(revisit or delete)

  • FOR NEXT MEETING, Should we as a congregation endorse the 8th principle? Sofia will take it as a topic in her series on the principle on December 29 so we should wait one more month before we discuss it at the Leadership Group (says Sofia).
  • Anti-Griefer Stuff: since a recent episode with trolls at the service, some of us would like info on how to eject and ban people. Also, we may want to review our land permissions and make sure all LG members have the ability to eject and ban people sim-wide and not only on one parcel at a time. Zoe has copied some of her old security info from Dublin years ago, and will share a folder of those notecards at our meeting, that we can look over at our leisure, as examples of anti-griefer procedures. Let’s keep this in the Parking Lot until after the holidays, and then schedule a time to practice ejecting and stuff. ADD TO JANUARY MEETING

2022-10-27 LG Minutes

1 12 2022

Date: October 27, 2022

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

At Pomona’s Teahouse.

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:33 pm SLT

Present: Zyzzy, Zoe, Pomona, Raven, TED, Sofia

Absent: Prosper, Et (working early voting for the elections)

Observing: nobody

Minutes – Zyzzy

  • The August Minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia

Treasurer’s report SEPTEMBER 30, 2022

ASSETS August 31, 2022 Sept 30, 2022
Magic’s account L$48,469 L$55,289
Byk’s account L$189,541 US$1096.68 L$179,541 US$1096.68
KIVA: US$475 US$475
Total Assets L 238,010 US$1571.68 L 234,830 US$1571.68
Year to date
August 31, 2022 Sept 30, 2022
Stone Circle & Tiny Carolers
L$67,000 L$76,000
Rent: L$225,000 L$225,000
Advertising: L$1600 L$1800
Total Expenses L$293,600 L$302,800
Year to date
August 31, 2022 Sept 30, 2022
Plate collections: L$46,032 L$53,052
Pledge payments: L$257,222 L$257,222 89% of pledge amount paid
Total Income L$303,254 L$310,274
Membership 35 35

Only three pledges have yet to be paid.

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Nothing new

Outreach – Et

  • No news.
  • (If you are in Montgomery County Maryland, vote early–not often!)

Library Report – Pomona

  • No news

Thursday Worship Report (Sofia & Zoe)

Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through December of 2022. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (The regular rotation is Zyzzy-Zoe-Sofia). I have included the pagan holidays led by Zoe, Raven and Prosper in the rotation following requests as indicated in earlier minutes. Hyacinth had volunteered to lead a service for November 17th but that has become impossible for her, because a new job will keep her busy Thursday evenings for some time. She hopes to soon be able to offer special services on Tuesdays at her place in UUtopia, and she still hopes to lead a Thursday night service at some time.

The following special services are included in the schedule:

October 27th (Samhain/Final Harvest) Raven

November 24 (Thanksgiving Dinner) Sofia

December 15th (Yule)*Raven

December 22 (Tiny Carolers) Zoe

The (somewhat) regular rotation proceeds as follows:

6-Oct Zyzzy
13-Oct Zoe
20-Oct Sofia
27-Oct Raven/Samhain
3-Nov Zyzzy
10-Nov Zoe
17-Nov Sofia
24-Nov Sofia
1-Dec Zoe
8-Dec Zyzzy
15-Dec Raven/Yule
22-Dec Zoe – Tiny C.
29-Dec Sofia
5-Jan Zyzzy

Raven will send Sofia the dates for 2023 Pagan services

Saturday service – TED

  • News from TED: cataract surgery Nov8-11. Hoping to be at Saturday Service Nov12. Someone has been coming to SatSvc from Germany; Thurs evening service is inconvenient time. One of TED’s client/friends died Oct19, TED may end up executor.
  • Does anyone want to be a standby backup leader for Nov12? Sofia will do it.

New Business

  • Anti-Griefer Stuff: since a recent episode with trolls at the service, some of us would like info on how to eject and ban people. Also, we may want to review our land permissions and make sure all LG members have the ability to eject and ban people sim-wide and not only on one parcel at a time. Zoe has copied some of her old security info from Dublin years ago, and will share a folder of those notecards at our meeting, that we can look over at our leisure, as examples of anti-griefer procedures. (MOVE TO OLD BUSINESS FOR NEXT MEETING)
  • Proposal from Zyzzy to delete 3 of 4 users in fuucsl.org google workplace – agreed Zyzzy should do so
  • This would reduce our monthly cost from $12 to $3
  • Login info would be shared with LG

Next meeting: December 1 at 5:30 pm SLT at Sofia’s North Island

Our next meeting is the combined November, December meeting, on December 1. (Remember we have one meeting in early December, instead of the two in November and December, to avoid holiday conflicts.)

The meeting was adjourned at 5:57 pm SLT.

Parking Lot: (revisit or delete)

  • FOR NEXT MEETING, Should we as a congregation endorse the 8th principle? Sofia will take it as a topic in her series on the principle on November 17
  • 8th principle: wait for sermon to discuss this

2022-09-22 LG Minutes

27 10 2022

Date: September 22, 2022

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

At the Library Atrium: seating is available on six benches AND on the 13 or so stacks of books.

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm SLT

Present: Zyzzy, Zoe, Et, Pomona, Raven, TED

Absent: Sofia, Prosper

Observing: Hyacinth

Minutes – Zyzzy

  • Approved the August Minutes:

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia

(I am still on bereavement leave -I’ll be back next month)

Treasurer’s report August 31, 2022

ASSETS July 31, 2022 August 31, 2022
Magic’s account L$43,304 L$48,469
Byk’s account L$128,041 US$1096.68 L$189,541 US$1096.68
KIVA: US$475 US$475
Total Assets L 171,354 US$1571.68 L 238,010 US$1571.68
Year to date
July 31, 2022 August 31, 2022
Stone Circle & Tiny Carolers
L$59,000 L$67,000
Rent: L$225,000 L$225,000
Advertising: L$1400 L$1600
Total Expenses L$285,400 L$293,600
Year to date
July 31, 2022 August 31, 2022
Plate collections: L$40,667 L$46,032
Pledge payments: L$256,022 L$257,222 89% of pledge amount paid
Total Income L$296,689 L$303,254
Membership 35 35

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Nothing new

Outreach – Et

  • No news

Library Report – Pomona & Zoe

  • Zoe reports on the library garden:

Thanks for all the great ideas! Working from suggestions received last month, I’ve finished decorating the atrium. It was a pleasure to do it!

Worship Report (Sofia)

Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through December of 2022. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (The regular rotation is Zyzzy-Zoe-Sofia). I have included the pagan holidays led by Zoe, Raven and Prosper in the rotation following requests as indicated in earlier minutes. Hyacinth has volunteered to lead a service for November 17

October 27th (Samhain/Final Harvest)*Raven

November 17th Hyacinth

December 15th (Yule)*Raven

We need to update the Google calendar with services from Nov 10 forward; the last service noted on it is Nov 3rd. We may need to think about who needs login info for the Google account that has edit permissions for that calendar, or share edit permissions for that calendar with more than one other account as backup.

11-Aug Zyzzy
18-Aug Zoe
25-Aug Sofia
1-Sep Zyzzy
8-Sep Zoe
15-Sep Sofia (Zoe sub)
22-Sep Raven /Mabon
29-Sep Pomona
6-Oct Zyzzy
13-Oct Zoe
20-Oct Sofia
27-Oct RAVEN/Samhain
3-Nov Zyzzy
10-Nov Zoe
17-Nov Hyacinth
24-Nov Sofia
1-Dec Zyzzy
8-Dec Zoe/Tiny Carolers
15-Dec Raven/Yule
22-Dec Sofia
29-Dec Zyzzy
5-Jan Zoe
12-Jan Sofia

Saturday service – TED

  • Saturday usually about 4 people at least, and always valuable conversations. Much appreciation to TED for leading Saturday services!

New Business

  • Trolls and Griefers, policy and procedures: All members of LG now have the ability to do estate-wide bans, not merely parcel bans. We’d like to have a workshop so all the LG will know how to wield that power. Zoe could adapt something from Dublin security training that she underwent years ago and create a notecard for that workshop, and we can all have fun practicing freezing and ejecting one another.
  • Proposal from Zyzzy to delete 3 of 4 users in fuucsl.org google workplace
  • This would reduce our monthly cost from $12 to $3
  • Login info would be shared with LG

Next meeting: October 27 at Pomona’s teahouse

After that, we won’t have a November meeting but will meet on December 1. (Remember we have one meeting in early December, instead of the two in November and December, to avoid holiday conflicts.)

The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 pm SLT.

Parking Lot : (revisit or delete)

  • (Table until end of summer?)(Sofia) Should we as a congregation endorse the 8th principle? Sofia will take it as a topic in her series on the principles.
  • 8th principle: wait for sermon to discuss this