2023-09-28 LG Minutes

26 10 2023

Date: September 28, 2023

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

At Pomona’s Tea House

Etaoin and Sofia called the meeting to order at 5:34 pm SLT

Present: Sofia, Zoe, Et, TED, Prosper

Absent: Zyzzy, Pomona, Raven


Minutes – Zyzzy

  • Approved the August Minutes

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia

Treasurer’s report August 31, 2023

ASSETS July 31, 2023 August 31, 2023
Magic’s account L$47,273 L$56,867
Byk’s account L$192,391 US$1046.68
($950 in paypal)
L$183,891 US$1046.68
($950 in paypal)
KIVA: US$130 US$130
Total Assets L$240,664 US$1176,68 L$240,758 US$1176,68
EXPENSES July 31, 2023 August 31, 2023
Presenters: L$58,000 L$68,000
Rent: L$225,000 L$225,000
Advertising: L$1400 L$1600
Total Expenses L$284,400 L$294,600
INCOME July 31, 2023 August 31, 2023
Plate collections: L$48,632 L$58,326
Pledge payments: L$258,100 L$295,143 2023: 89% of pledged amount
Total Income L$306,732 L$353,469
Membership 37 37

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Freda offered to cover Orikosh, as I still have not heard from Ori. The outlook is unclear.

Outreach – Et

  • No news is no news.

Library Report – Pomona

  • (Etaoin says) Pomona sent an email about having to drop out of SL for a while, and plans to return.
  • See New Business

Thursday Worship Report – Sofia

Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through the end of 2023. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (The regular rotation is Zyzzy-Zoe-Sofia).


7-Sep Zyzzy
14-Sep Sofia
21-Sep Zoe
28-Sep SOFIA
5-Oct Sofia
12-Oct Zoe
19-Oct Zyzzy
26-Oct Raven
9-Nov Zoe
16-Nov Zyzzy
23-Nov Sofia
30-Nov Zoe
7-Dec Zyzzy
14-Dec Zoe
21-Dec Raven
28-Dec Sofia

Saturday Service – TED

New Business

  • Do we need someone to step in and cover the Library for the LG? What responsibility is involved?
  • Library avatar holds donations. Zoe has access, if password not changed.
  • Zoe, for now, is Librarian.
  • Prosper has ideas to add content.
  • Are there copyright issues with UU World content?
  • Are the OOSes in the library? (Authors have them in their inventory.) Pomona may have been collecting these.
  • Zyzzy: Can OOSes be put on fuuscl.com? In case we lose inventory.
  • SacredText.com has a lot of public domain text.

Next meeting: October 25 at Sofia’s Beach Cabana

The meeting was adjourned at 5:49 pm SLT.

Parking Lot: (revisit or delete)

  • Pride Party in 2024 – 2nd Thursday or Saturday of June? Pride Service and Party
  • 8th Principle vote. See See next bullet. Also update Region Covenant.

