Date: January 26, 2023
Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting
At Library discussion area, freshly redecorated.
Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm SLT
Present: Zyzzy, Pomona, Sofia, Et, Raven
Absent: TED, Zoe, Prosper
Minutes – Zyzzy
- Approved the December Minutes
Treasurer’s Report – Sofia –
Treasurer’s report December 31, 2022
ASSETS | DECEMBER 31, 2021 | DECEMBER 31, 2022 | |||
Magic’s account | L$104,187 | L$79,641 | |||
Byk’s account | L$120,027 | US$1096.68 | L$131,441 | US$1096.68 | |
KIVA: | US$475 | US$475 | |||
Total Assets | L$224,214 | US$1571.68 | L$211,082 | US$1571.68 | |
EXPENSES | 2021 | 2022 | |||
Presenters: | L$103,000 | L$103,000 | |||
Rent: | L$300,000 | L$300,000 | |||
Advertising: | L$2600 | L$2400 | |||
Total Expenses | L$405,600 | L$405,400 | |||
INCOME | 2021 | 2022 | |||
Plate collections: | L$107,150 | L$78,104 | |||
Pledge payments: | L$321,259 | 2021: 96% of pledged amount | L$317,122 | 2022: 99.4% of pledged amount | |
Total Income | L$428,409 | L$395,226 | |||
Membership | 34 | 35* |
· In 2022, there were 14 pledging members, down from 18 in 2021. I will begin soliciting 2023 pledges in February, by announcements at services, notices and personal IMs.
*Dec 15 new member Stella Vespera
UUtopia Report – Zyzzy
- Nothing new
Outreach – Et
- No news.
- UUA Article 2 Bylaws update; GA 2023 June 21-25 Pittsburgh
Library Report – Pomona
- No news
Worship Report (Sofia)
Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through May of 2023. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (The regular rotation is Zyzzy-Zoe-Sofia).
Here are the upcoming pagan services for 2023. Raven has claimed some and some are open. If anyone wishes to lead one of the open services, please let me know, and I’ll include it in the schedule..
- Imbolc: February 2nd, 2023 ZOE (reg rotation)
- Ostara: March 23rd, 2023* RAVEN
- Beltane: April 27th, 2023* RAVEN
- Litha/Midsummer: June 22nd, 2023 Prosper
- Lughnasadh: July 27th, 2023 Pomona
- Mabon: September 21st, 2023 ZOE
- Samhain: October 26th, 2023* RAVEN
- Yule: December 21st, 2023* RAVEN
The (somewhat) regular rotation proceeds as follows:
5-Jan | Zyzzy | |
12-Jan | Raven | |
19-Jan | Sofia | |
26-Jan | Zyzzy | |
2-Feb | Zoe | IMBOLC |
9-Feb | Sofia | |
16-Feb | Zyzzy | |
23-Feb | Zoe | |
2-Mar | ||
9-Mar | Zyzzy | |
16-Mar | Zoe | |
23-Mar | Raven | OSTARA |
30-Mar | Zyzzy | |
6-Apr | Pomona | |
13-Apr | Sofia | |
20-Apr | Zoe | |
27-Apr | Raven | BELTANE |
4-May | Zyzzy | |
11-May | Zoe | |
18-May | Sofia | |
25-May | Zyzzy | |
1-Jun | Zoe | |
8-Jun | Sofia |
Saturday service
- No report this month
New Business
- Distributed Visitor Monoliths to everyone to play with. These detect avatars in the area and will report when they are first and last seen.
- Anti-Griefer Stuff: since a recent episode with trolls at the service, some of us would like info on how to eject and ban people. Also, we may want to review our land permissions and make sure all LG members have the ability to eject and ban people sim-wide and not only on one parcel at a time. Zoe has copied some of her old security info from Dublin years ago, and will share a folder of those notecards at our meeting, that we can look over at our leisure, as examples of anti-griefer procedures. Let’s keep this in the Parking Lot until after the holidays, and then schedule a time to practice ejecting and stuff. ADD TO JANUARY MEETING
- Eric’s notes: (using Firestorm)
- If griefing loudly, actively: open IM window (no message needed) and ban immediately. IM window will let you get to the avatar profile quickly.
- IM griefer and nudge to civility–maybe something else is going on.
- Give griefer an opportunity to be civil; some will play nice for a little while but then turn bad.
- To ban:
- World > Region Details (or ALT-R)
- “Access” tab
- “Banned” sub-tab
- “Add…” button
- Search for the avatar’s name, hit Go. You can copy the name from the IM window profile, or hit “Near Me”.
- Click on name in result list.
- You will get a window titled “Deny access for this estate only or for all estates that you manage for Zyzzy Zarf”. Hit “All Estates”
- Avatar will disappear!
- Optionally, send an abuse report: (I always do because some griefers will send a abuse report against you)
- Bring up profile (from the IM window)
- On 2nd Life tab, hit gear dropdown in lower right corner
- “Report” button
- Send an abuse report. Category is usually “Harrassment” In summary note this is to counter an abuse report they may send against you. Include IM chat in Details, and selected open chat.
- Select “Report Abuse”
- FOR NEXT MEETING, Should we as a congregation endorse the 8th principle? Sofia will take it as a topic in her series on the principle on December 29 so we should wait one more month before we discuss it at the Leadership Group (says Sofia).
Next meeting: February 23 at Party Platform.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:07 pm SLT.