2023-12-07 LG Minutes

25 01 2024

Date: December 7, 2023

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

At at Sofia’s Beach Cabana

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:33 pm SLT

Present: Sofia, Et, Zyzzy, Raven, Zoe, TED

Absent:Prosper, Pomona


Minutes – Zyzzy

  • Approved the October Minutes

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia

Treasurer’s report October 31, 2023

ASSETS September 30, 2023 October 31, 2023
Magic’s account L$61,306 L$66,478
Byk’s account L$220,434 US$1046.68
($950 in paypal)
L$152,755 US$1046.68
($950 in paypal)
KIVA: US$130 US$130
Total Assets L$281,740 US$1176,68 L$219,233 US$1176,68
EXPENSES September 30, 2023 October 31, 2023
Presenters: L$77,000 L$85,000
Rent: L$225,000 L$300,000
Advertising: L$1800 L$2000
Total Expenses L$303,800 L$387,000
INCOME September 30, 2023 October 31, 2023
Plate collections: L$63,015 L$68,387
Pledge payments: L$295,464 L$326,019 2023: 98.5% of pledged amount
Total Income L$358,479 L$394,406
Membership 37 37

Treasurer’s report November 30, 2023

ASSETS October 31, 2023 November 30, 2023
Magic’s account L$66,478 L$73,843
Byk’s account L$152,755 US$1046.68
($950 in paypal)
L$164,610 US$1046.68
($950 in paypal)
KIVA: US$130 US$130
Total Assets L$219,233 US$1176,68 L$238,453 US$1176,68
EXPENSES October 31, 2023 November 30, 2023
Presenters: L$85,000 L$94,000
Rent: L$300,000 L$300,000
Advertising: L$2000 L$2200
Total Expenses L$387,000 L$396,200
INCOME October 31, 2023 November 30, 2023
Plate collections: L$68,387 L$75,952
Pledge payments: L$326,019 L$326,019 2023: 98.5% of pledged amount
Total Income L$394,406 L$401,971
Membership 37 38*

*Newest member: LillyLal

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • I’ve extended Pomona’s rental on the teahouse property. What should we do with this long-term?.

Outreach – Et

  • FYI: Revised Article II is a topic for January in my RL congregation.
  • Et to update the Article II billboard with the latest wording.

Library Report – ?

  • Pomona will not be in SL for the foreseeable future.
  • Et has set up a blue ball object behind the new Article II Values billboard to accept notecards: service notecards or OOS’s. They will be renamed “OOS yyyy-mm-dd topic (name)” (it might change, Et to rename.) Also setting up a set of panels, one for each year, to retrieve services. In progress.

Worship Report (Sofia)

Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through mid-2024. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (The regular rotation is Zyzzy-Zoe-Sofia).


7-Dec Zyzzy
14-Dec Zoe
21-Dec Raven
28-Dec Sofia


4-Jan Zyzzy
11-Jan Zoe
18-Jan Sofia
25-Jan Zyzzy
1-Feb Zoe Imbolc
8-Feb Sofia
15-Feb Zyzzy
22-Feb Zoe
Feb-29 Sofia
7-Mar Zyzzy
14-Mar Zoe
21-Mar Raven Ostara
28-Mar Sofia
4-Apr Zyzzy
11-Apr Zoe
18-Apr Sofia
25-Apr Zyzzy
2-May Raven Beltane
9-May Zoe
16-May Sofia
23-May Zyzzy
30-May Zoe
6-Jun Sofia
13-Jun Zyzzy
20-Jun Zoe
27-Jun Sofia

2024 pagan holidays

Imbolc 1-Feb-24 Zoe
Ostara 19-Mar-24 Raven
Beltane 1-May-24 Raven
Litha 19-Jun open
Lughnasadh 1-Aug-24 open
Mabon 21-Sep-24 open
Samhain 1-Nov-24 Raven
Yule 20-Dec-24 Raven

Raven is willing to help DJ at a party after pride service in June.

Saturday Service

This Saturday The Bug-Eyed Lens, next Open Topic, then BUNT, then OpenTopic

New Business

  • Are we still called Lovelace? (Check FUUSCL website; may be a historical artifact)

Next meeting: January 25

at little dome meeting circle

The meeting was adjourned at 6:02 pm SLT.

Parking Lot
(revisit or delete)

  • Pride Party in 2024 – 2nd Thursday or Saturday of June? Pride Service and Party
  • 8th Principle vote. See See next bullet. Also update Region Covenant.

Sofia’s Beach Cabana

