2022-04-21 LG Minutes

26 05 2022

Date: April 21, 2022

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

At TED and Zoe’s woodsy island

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:31 pm SLT

Present: Zyzzy, Zoe, Sofia, Raven, Pomona, Etaoin, TED

Absent: Prosper


Minutes – Zyzzy

TED: I speculate “20th” should be “10th”??? Otherwise hard to understand re anniversaries

  • Approved the March minutes

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia

Treasurer’s report March 31, 2022

ASSETS February 28, 2022 March 31, 2022
Magic’s account L$15,526 L$20,883
Byk’s account L$282,819 US$1096.68 L$281,041 US$1096.68
KIVA: US$475 US$475
Total Assets L 298,345 US$1571.68 L 301,924 US$1571.68
EXPENSES February 28, 2022 March 31, 2022
Stone Circle & Tiny Carolers
Rent: L$75,000 L$75,000
Advertising: L$400 L$600
Total Expenses L$96,408 L$97,600
INCOME February 28, 2022 March 31, 2022
Plate collections: L$11,787 L$17,346
Pledge payments: L$164.022 L$166,022 61% of pledge amount paid
Total Income L$175,809 L$183,368
Membership 35 new member Prosper 35

Pledges to date are L$272,022. I generally like it to be closer to L$300,000. I am still working on five persons who pledged a total of L$52,000 last year who would put us over L$300,000.

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Nothing new

Outreach – Et

  • No news
  • We have items in the Event schedule under “Discussion”

Library Report – Pomona

  • Book fountain replace? Can Zoe do this?
  • L$17,000 in the bank for object purchases available.
  • Events? Book club re-start? (Options for how to re-start – send suggestions to Pomona) Reader’s recommendations; book appreciation section of library.

Worship Report (Sofia)

Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through September of 2022. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (The regular rotation is Zyzzy-Zoe-Sofia). I have adjusted the schedule to get around my summer vacation plans so each of you should do the same and communicate by group email if swaps are needed.

I have included the pagan holidays led by Zoe, Raven and Prosper in the rotation following requests as indicated in earlier minutes. If anyone would like to claim one of the open spots, let me know.

TED has topics and will share them with Pomona

January 27th (Imbolc/Candlemas/Brigid/Groundhog’s Day) Zoe

March 17th (Ostara/Spring Equinox) Prosper

April 28th (Beltane)* Raven

June 23rd (Litha/Summer Solstice) Zoe

July 28th (Lughnasadh/First Harvest) Prosper Bread Offering

September 22nd (Mabon/Autumn Equinox/Second Harvest)*Raven

October 27th (Samhain/Final Harvest)*Raven

November 17th (Harvest Day – A different spin on Thanksgiving [a week before the actual day]) OPEN

December 15th (Yule)*Raven

14-Apr Zyzzy
21-Apr Zoe
28-Apr Raven/Beltane
5-May Sofia
12-May zyzzy
19-May Zoe
26-May Sofia
2-Jun Zoe
9-Jun Sofia
16-Jun Zyzzy
23-Jun Zoe/Solstice
30-Jun Zyzzy
7-Jul Sofia
14-Jul Zoe
21-Jul Zyzzy
28-Jul Prosper/Lughnasadh/First Harvest
4-Aug Sofia
11-Aug Zyzzy
18-Aug Zoe
25-Aug Sofia
1-Sep Zyzzy
9-Sep Zoe
15-Sep Sofia
22-Sep Raven /Mabon

Saturday service – TED had to bail on Saturday Service a couple of weeks ago due to short notice picking up spouse from hospital. Good discussion most recent Saturday. TED is short on time, but value of SatSvc makes it worth trying to carry on.

New Business.

  • Anniversary Celebration next week – dance party at the Party Platform DJ’d by Raven
  • We discussed improvements to the Library: something to replace the Book Fountain, and also something that could be a repository of book reviews and recommendations.
  • We all send our best hopes for good health to TED’s spouse.
  • Pomona is recovering well and looks forward to leading services again soon; she’ll let us know when she’s ready. Absolutely no pressure. Honest.
  • Replacement of the old Biz canopy over the discussion area? Prosper can whip up something and we can look.
  • Prosper can also tweak non-Biz prims in the Sanctuary to resolve some problems with resolution.
  • Declining attendance?
  • Et reports that both our services are listed in the LL Events under Discussions.
  • Prosper could lead meditation weekly. Sofia suggests it would be good to try it out a couple of times and see if there’s interest. Zyzzy suggests that a Notice be sent out in the Unitarian Universalists of SL group.
  • Prosper reminds us of the Thanksgiving dinner– would it be possible to have a dinner on a semi-regular basis?
  • Prosper suggests starting a newsletter.
  • (Sofia) Should we as a congregation endorse the 8th principle? Sofia will take it as a topic in her series on the principles.

Next meeting May 26 at 5:30pm SLT at

Zyyzy’s place!

The meeting was adjourned at 6:09 pm SLT.

