2018-02-22 LG Minutes

22 03 2018

Date: February 22, 2018

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:33 pm SLT at Zoe’s place.

Present: Zyzzy, Sofia, Zoe, TED, Et, Tim

Absent: Ori


Minutes – Etaoin

  • January’s minutes’ acceptance moved, seconded, and approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia

Treasurer’s report January 31, 2018

ASSETS DECEMBER 31, 2017 January 31, 2018
Magic’s account L$27,298 L$8607*
Byk’s account L$45,043 US$842.73 L$85,593 US$842.73
KIVA: US$475 US$475
Total Assets L$72,341 US$1317.73 L$94,200 US$1317.73
EXPENSES December 31, 2017 January 31, 2018
Presenters: L$67,000 L$4000
Rent: L$300,000 L$75,000
Advertising: L$2600 L$200
Total Expenses L$369,600 L$79,200
Plate collections: L$103,134 L$6509
Pledge payments: L$242,393 L$27,150****
Total Income L$345,527 L$33,659
Membership 60 43**

*L25,000 annual surplus from Magic transferred to Byk at the end of the year.

**In preparing for the pledge drive, I purged the membership rolls of all avatars who have not signed on to SL in over a year and also those who have left the SL group. New members are Therru Vacirca and Mary Nuyasaka,

****To date, we have L$215,700 pledged and L$27,150 received in our annual pledge drive. The goal is L$300,000. We have received 11 pledges and I have 11 other names who are likely pledgers.

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Gumball decided to leave, but then changed his mind. I’m unsure why on either case.
  • Brief discussion of various open sims; pros and cons.

Outreach – Et

  • Is anyone planning to attend General Assembly (6/20-24 in Kansas City)? My personal plans are a little fluid but I am planning on reserving a room because there is a 70% chance I will go.
  • New this year at GA are Poster Sessions. If someone is going, should we consider putting up a poster session? If I go I will, but I don’t want to be a failure point if I don’t. Rev Jeremy is not going or planning anything related to his VR work.
  • “Ready Player One” discussion.

Library Report – Bel

  • Dearborn Carling is back, so we should ask him about the World Religions Day and see about scheduling it again.

Worship Report

  • Thank you to Sofia, Zoe, and Zyzzy for leading generic services.

New Business

  • TooEasilyDistracted: My sibling suggested an event talking about modern problems – lead in Flint water, “chemtrails”, contaminated food, climate change. It seems to me that such topics are controversial, maybe contentiously so.
  • Zoetrope Ocelot: There was a time when slavery was a contentiously controversial topic. I think given what’s at stake and having a Service aspect, UU should be taking on those topics.
  • TED: If we had an event and advertised it in other places in SL, maybe we’d attract new people’s interest. Maybe we could have a notice on university public signboards inviting people to come to FUUCSL. I could post in Bozeman…

The meeting was adjourned at 6:12 pm SLT

Next meeting March 22, 2018 at Sofia’s Igloo.

