2016-01-26 LG Minutes

22 02 2017

Date: January 26, 2017

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:33 pm SLT

Present: Et, TED, Sofia, Zyzzy, Tim, Tee, Ori


Observing: Belovan Zuta

Old Business

Minutes – Etaoin

  • December’s minutes acceptance moved, seconded, and approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia

Treasurer’s report December 31, 2016

Magic’s account L$92,421 L$101,664
Byk’s account L$43,555 US$842.73 L$54,500 US$842.73
KIVA: US$475 US$475
Total Assets L$135,976 US$1317.73 L$156,164 US$1317.73
EXPENSES 2015 2016
Presenters: L$51,500 L$46,000
Rent: L$300,000 L$300,000
Advertising: L$2600 L$2600
Total Expenses L$354,100 L$348,600
Plate collections: L$98,492 L$101.893
Pledge payments: L$304,481 2015: 89% of pledged amount L$281,750 2016: 105% of pledged amount
Total Income L$402,973 2015:Income more than expense L$363,643 2016: Income more than expenses –third year in row.
Membership 68 61

In January 2017 I exchanged 70,000 Lindens for US$253.95, bringing our dollar balance to $1096.68.

It’s time to begin our annual pledge drive. I will begin Feb 1.

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Peter has reduced the size of the mountains surrounding his skybox. It was covering all of UUtopia and much of Thoreau previously.
  • Pomona returned!
  • Dav0 dropped 4096 of his previously-rented 8192
  • Peter asked to rent dav0’s former middle 2048 on the East Coast of UUtopia. I said it was ok.

Outreach – Et

  • Not much to report. Attended Women’s March in Washington DC with Chevaun Trefoil , and Joan Ixito was also in the crowd (but unable to meet with 600,000 others in the way). (It is estimated that 100 people from my RL congregation were there also).

Library Report – Peter

  • Note from Bel:
  • I will be making some changes around the library. I’ve put a copy of the library on a work platform temporarily to work on some new ways of doing things Once I have the plans made I will delete the copy and place the new items.

    I’m also going to try and make the building be less prims. If I can’t modify the building as it is I will replace it.

    Also the seating could be less prims as well. Some of the chairs can be replaced. We only need the auditorium seating when we are having events and we usually only have World Religion Day once a year. Unless we start booking more events it does not make sense to keep that seating out. It is just more for people to rez when they visit.

    LuvWorldReligions avatar was created to be the Head Librarian. I will continue to replace things in her name. This will be my main project this year. This avatar is for FUUCSL to use no matter who is running the library. Her inventory will eventually have everything needed in it.

    Her sign in information is LuvWorldReligions Password [redacted] It is important that more then one person have this information. If the librarian should disappear for any reason all assets will still be available to the group and the person who fills the position. I love this library and want to ensure it is here for years to come :-).

    Peter contacted me and said he will be taking down the house and the platform soon.

Worship Report – Tee

  • Thank you to:
5-Jan Tee
12-Jan Tee
19-Jan Etaoin
26-Jan Sofia

New Business

  • Should we sign the UUA and UUSC Declaration of Conscience as a congregation? Publicize to our membership? (Sofia)
  • Tee Auster made a motion that we as the leadership group support the UUA DECLARATION OF CONSCIENCE

    Second: Tim

    Ayes: Zyzzy, Etaoin, Tee, Sofia, Ori

    Abstain: TED

  • Discussion topic for a service: the role of politics in our religious community.
  • “March for Science” organizing website

The meeting was adjourned at 6:17 pm SLT

