Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group meeting of Thursday, April 28, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 5:33 pm SLT by Zyzzy Zarf.
Present: Zyzzy Zarf, Etaoin Barcelona, Zena Silverstar, Joan Ixito, Sofia Freenote, Darcy Cedarbridge
Absent: Pomona Writer
Visitors: Argent Verino, Cashuea Vesbeni
Minutes: (Pomona Writer)
The Minutes of previous LG meeting were approved as read.
Treasurer’s Report: (Sofia Freenote)
As of 4-21-2011
Magic | L$50,587 | ||
Byk | L$31,749 | US$1481.45 | KIVA $475 |
Total Assets | L$82,336 | US$1481.45 (SL) | KIVA $475 |
Expenses in 2011 | |||
Presenters: | L$20,500 | ||
Rent: | L$46,944 | ||
Advertising: | L$750 |
No new members.
Elections are in June, which may give us more new members
Zyzzy suggests that we need to plan for the election.
KIVA Report: (Joan Ixito)
Nothing new on Kiva
Visitors Report: (Etaoin Barcelona)
We seem to be seeing about 20 people come through every day. There are some new residents from the Destination Guide posting. We’re still top-of-the-list for the Spirituality section.
Darcy reports that Elise Linden, a marketing manager, attended Freda Frostbite’s meditation last night.
Darcy wonders how many visitors are RL UUs. Etaoin asks them “Have you heard about UU before”, and some are RL UUs.
Zyzzy suggests we take a survey.
Zyzzy suggests this should be interesting to say about this subject at General Assembly.
Signage: (Pomona Writer)
Pomona is not here to report on updating signage.
Zyzzy asks if anyone knows about signage having been updated to inform visitors about our privacy issues.
Etaoin suggests affirming that flying at low levels is OK.
Uutopia Teleporter Navigation:
Freda has installed her new Teleport Pads linking places on her land; she will further install links to other places on UUtopia and Alcott. It works sim-wide out to 300 meters, but has no height restrictions. This would help visitors.
Freda rezzes a teleporter to demonstrate it.
Freda will consult with Pomona later.
WUUDstock: (Darcy Cedarbridge)
All agree it was stellar!
Mask’s Sky Café was used for poetry reading at Wuudstock. It will be used for future poetry reading, also.
Zyzzy suggests WUUDstock become a yearly event.
Freda did not quite cover her expenses. There were some donations that night, and one large anonymous donation.
MOVED, seconded, and passed to cover the remainder of Freda’s expenses for WUUDstuck.
UUtopia History: (Pomona Writer)
There are “history books” near the Library, the Café and the RL church information wall behind the Café. Pomona will be asked to move them closer to the walls and out of the way of the links.
Zyzzy suggests it should go on the UUtopia website.
General Assembly Presence: (Darcy Cedarbridge)
Darcy states that we seem to be very organized as a unified (as much as it can be) UU group representing FUUCSL at GA.
Freda has set up a Facebook UUtopia page. Information can be added by individuals, or by Freda if a person does not want to join FB.
Zyzzy suggests wearing “Hi, my AV name is Zyzzy” or carrying bibles we recognize each other.
There are plans for those attending GA to meet and socialize. This will be arranged through Facebook.
Zyzzy asks if there’s anything “official” that the FUUCSL needs to handle related to GA.
Etaoin will attempt to stream from events at GA through to our Thursday night service. We did this last year, but it did not work perfectly.
Thursday at 9:00 the Service of the Living Tradition ends – Zyzzy suggests we begin the Service of the Virtual Tradition.
Meeting adjourned at 6:07 pm SLT.
The next meeting will be Thursday, May 26, 2011, 5:30 pm SLT.
Respectfully submitted,
Pomona Writer, Secretary