2011-02-24 LG Minutes

24 03 2011

Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group meeting of Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Agenda was emailed previous to the meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 5:34 pm SLT by Zyzzy Zarf.

Present: Zyzzy Zarf, Sofia Freenote, Pomona Writer, Darcy Cedarbridge, Zena Silverstar, Joan Ixito, Etaoin Barcelona

Minutes: (Pomona Writer)

The Minutes of January 27, 2011 were approved.

Zena suggested the December Minutes be altered online to clarify the KIVA entry in the Treasurer’s Report. Should Minutes be corrected, or should the corrections be noted in Minutes for the next month? Parliamentarian Zyzzy will decide.

Treasurer’s Report: (Sofia Freenote)

As of 2/24/2011

Magic $L25,880    
Byk L$57,128 US$1481.45 KIVA $475
Total Assets L$83,008 US$1481.45 (SL) KIVA $475
  • No new members.

  • Plate collections have been steady.

  • A bit more was transferred into dollars at the first of the year.

Old Business

Transgender Resource Center:

  • No one has received any news from Hyacinth Greymoon about the center.

Saturday Services: (Joan Ixito)

  • 9 people attended — one regular and 8 new people; one came in response to the SL Event Calendar.

  • Beacon may lead a Saturday service, and we should encourage him to do it.

Residents: (Zyzzy)

  • Christie2be has disappeared; Pomona will contact her in RL.

  • Sasha has given notice, well before his rent ran out.

UUtopia Emerson: (Zyzzy)

  • UUtopia Emerson was reclaimed by the waves 10 days ago. Pomona took Emerson off the map at the landing place.

  • We can still add new homestead sims , but we have enough space as it is.

  • Zyzzy thinks we are close to the break-even point financially.

New Business

Domain Name Problem: (Zyzzy)

  • Our domain name fuucsl.org expired; CoyoteAngel Dimsum had not noticed.

    This problem affected both the web site and the parcel music chooser, but it is fixed now.

    CoyoteAngel owned fuucsl.org, fuucsl.com, and fuucsl.net. She has now renewed them all for a year. She will transfer them all to Zyzzy soon – it’s a complicated process.

    Zyzzy has also bought uucsl.com and uucsl.org – in case we want to drop the word First from our name at some point.

    All of the five names point to the same web site now.

    Zyzzy will carry the costs of the domain names, and CoyoteAngel Dimsum will be reimbursed for her emergency purchase so that our names would not expire.

FUUCSL.org Website: (Zyzzy)

  • Zyzzy has changed to WordPress, which has some nice templates.

  • Zena pointed out that it still says “First Unitarian Universalist Church of Second Life” on the mission page. She suggests the Bylaws be corrected on the website.

  • Zyzzy suggested that anyone that would like to contribute content can be authorized, which will keep it current.

  • Old content, such as sermons, can also be added. Articles can be added.

UUtopia.org Website: (Zyzzy)

  • This is a new website, and Joan has been taking the lead on it.

  • Zyzzy has installed google tracking on both websites to see how much traffic they get.

  • Zyzzy suggests a more relevant banner graphic.

  • Etaoin suggested that everyone in the Leadership Group be authorized to work on the websites.

WuudStock Anniversary Party: (Darcy)

  • The one-year anniversary of UUtopia will be celebrated on March 25, 2011. Freda Frostbite is the organizer.

  • Freda has started building a stage in Alcott. There may be live music. There will, of course, be dancing.

History of FUUCSL and UUtopia: (Darcy)

  • Darcy is compiling information from several sources to create a history of FUUCSL and UUtopia.

    She will present this at the service on March 17th, and requests everyone to send her anecdotes and memories about FUUCSL and UUtopia.

SL Destination Guide: (Etaoin)

  • Etaoin will take pictures and try to get us listed in the SL Destination Guide.

Meeting adjourned at 6:18 pm SLT.

The next meeting will be March 24, 2011.

Respectfully submitted, Pomona Writer, Secretary

