2010-12-16 LG Minutes

16 12 2010

Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group meeting of Thursday, December 16, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 5:34 pm SLT by Zyzzy Zarf

Present: Zyzzy Zarf, Sofia Freenote, Pomona Writer, Darcy Cedarbridge, Etaoin Barcelona, Zena Silverstar, Joan Ixito.

Visitors: Aelita Longfall, Aleza Deschanel, Oorto Dragoone, ChronoCloud Creeggan, christie2be Resident

Minutes: The minutes of November 18, 2010, were approved as corrected. Zyzzy will make the correction on the website.

Treasurer’s Report: (Sofia Freenote)

FUUCSLTreasurer Byk: L$51,643 US$928.97 KIVA US$475
FreeWillOffering Magic: L$193,960
Total: L$245,603 US$928.97 KIVA$475

Explanation of “KIVA line”:

  • The Treasurer took $500 USA and bought KIVA. There was $1 SL transaction fee and $24 KIVA donation. Usually when you make a KIVA investment there is a “suggested donation” to KIVA itself. It’s about 7/5%. The $24 is less than the suggested donation but because of the SL fee, there was not have enough for another KIVA loan.
  • Sofia transfers Magic’s money to Byk at the end of the year and buys more dollars.

Old Business

Transgender Resource Center Report (Pomona Writer):

  • Initial ideas had been expressed by some UUtopians; these would have probably led to a fairly bureaucratic process. However, Hyacinth simply began the Center on her own land on the west side of UUtopia Alcott. At the skybox level there is a library or gallery and a meeting place. At ground level is a landscaped area with pool for chatting. The lag factor is significant at ground level and specific to that area (Hyacinth says particles cause the lag).
  • The current status is that the Transgender Resource Center is Hyacinth’s project, not an official FUUCSL project. If we want a report, we need to ask Hyacinth. No one has heard from Hyacinth about any regular meetings, events, specified times to gather, or classified ads. She has said it is NOT to be a “dating” service.
  • It was suggested to consider someday taking the project on ourselves, if Hyacinth discontinues managing it, but for now it is just fine. If she asks for help or support, we will do that. We don’t want to duplicate her efforts. Darcy will check with Hyacinth in case there are events which can be announced in services.
  • Several FUUCSL members and /or friends are themselves transgendered, and hopefully can provide suggestions and feedback.

Kiva Report (Sofia Freenote):

  • FUUCSL membership voted to allow FUUCSL KIVA membership and loans.
    Everyone should check out the loans made by Treasurer Byk and also to consider opening an individual account and making loans

Saturday Services (Joan Ixito):

  • Saturday services are 11:00 am SLT on 3rd Saturdays. These are advertised in the FUUCSL classified ad, group notices are sent, sometimes it’s listed as a SL event. Attendance at the first gathering was 12, mostly our regular attendees. Etaoin noted that in the past we had about 6 Europeans and 2 from Hong Kong attending services. Zyzzy has put Saturday services on the calendar. Joan is willing to try it for another 4 months or more.

New Residents (Zyzzy Zarf):

  • christie2be Resident now resides on UUtopia Alcott. We may have another resident soon.
  • At last look there were the equivalent of 4, 4096’s available. This is nearing the break-in point financially.

Uutopia Emerson (Zyzzy Zarf):

  • UUtopia Emerson is paid up for another month. Zyzzy could sell it, but is not to that point yet. Suggestions are welcome. One idea is to make it a surfing sim. Zyzzy may decide in mid-January. Such a sim costs US$375 to create, which is about two month’s tier, and the monthly cost is US$125.

New Business

No new business

The meeting was adjourned at 6:12 pm SLT.

Next Meeting: Thursday, January 27, 2011, 5:30 pm SLT.

Respectfully submitted, Pomona Writer, Secretary

