Minutes of the June 4, 2010 FUUCSL Leadership Group
Attending were Zena Silverstar, Zyzzy Zarf, Etaoin Barcelona, Thisbe Blackadder, Sofia Freenote, and Pomona Writer. Manasa Heron, Joan Ixito, Darcy Cedarbridge, and Kianntu Minoptra observed.
Zena Silverstar called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm SLT.
- Minutes
The minutes from the last meeting were approved.
- Treasurer’s Report
Sofia said that there are now 47 FUUCSL members, that pledges paid total L$512,463, and that the offering has collected L$68,094 so far this year.
Three members left, and one joined.
- Biz’s objects
Et reported that no progress has been made in getting the Sanctuary objects transferred from Biz. Discussion produced the understanging that, for technical reasons, Biz must personally deed them to the group, that it wasn’t possible for someone else to do it for him.
- Signage
Pomona volunteered to work with Lilith on signage in the Sanctuary entrance walk. She also will set up a sign and a teleporter from the center of the island to the sanctuary. Zyzzy noted that we need the original artwork from Biz in order to change the signs.
- Memorial Garden
Sofia updated us on the memorial garden. She suggested adding a memorial stone labeled “Gulf Coast 2010”.
- Sermons on the web site
Sofia has a set of sermons from Lovelace. We decided to put them on the FUUCSL web site after each one’s author approves, and possibly edits, them.
- UUSL Group
Sofia talked about group ownership and roles. Zyzzy, Pomona, and Etaoin volunteered to be group owners. Motion to add new owners to both the UUSL and the UUSL LG groups was seconded and passed.
We noted that the ad for the FUUCSL services needs a better landing point. Sofia, as the owner of the ad, will update it to route people to the Sanctuary entrance.
While we were there, we discussed organizing the signs on the entrance walkway. Lacking time, we tabled that for next month.
- Elections
The current LG’s terms expire at the end of June. Discussion ensued about how to have an election. It doesn’t need to be a secret ballot. It was also noted that the LG appoints the various roles.
Thisbe said that she would not run again. All other current LG members will run again. Zyzzy volunteered to be Moderator (if re-elected) and Pomona volunteered to be Secretary. Darcy and Joan volunteered to run. Bio info will be sent out on June 17.
A motion was made to schedule an election of the LG on June 24, at 6pm, just prior to the regular service, with electees taking office on July 1. Seconded and approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:27 pm SLT
Respectfully Submitted, Zyzzy Zarf, Secretary