Minutes of the May 6, 2010 FUUCSL Leadership Group
Attending were Zena Silverstar, Zyzzy Zarf, Etaoin Barcelona, Thisbe Blackadder, Sofia Freenote, and Pomona Writer. Manasa Heron observed.
Zena Silverstar called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm SLT.
- Minutes
The minutes from the last meeting were approved.
- Treasurer’s Report
Sofia said that there are now 49 FUUCSL members, that pledges paid total L$490,867, and that the offering has collected L$56,407 so far this year.
The Capital Campaign has raised L$93,941, which has been transferred to Zyzzy to help cover the initial cost of UUtopia.
The rent for the sanctuary is paid up four months in advance, at the rate of US$30/month.
- Name Change
We discussed bringing the name change (“Church” to “Congregation”) before the FUUCSL membership. It was noted that a membership vote on this requires 3/4 of those voting to approve.
We decided to hold an open vote, not needing any kind of secret ballot or voting machine. There will be a discussion about this at the May 20 service, then a vote on May 27 before the service. This was moved and approved.
- Service Leaders
Zena signed up to lead a service on May 20, about Margaret Fuller.
- Memorial Garden
We discussed adding a memorial garden to the Sanctuary parcel. This would include the Tennessee shooting memorial, but would cover all such events, personal and general.
It was moved that Sofia be charged with creating this memorial, since she already owns the abstract chalice that will be part of it. This was approved
- Modesto & Biz’s objects
It was noted that Modesto has been sold and Biz’s stuff is gone from there. We discussed how to get ownership of the UUtopia Sanctuary objects, as only Biz can edit them currently, and that makes it impossible to enable autoreturn. Et volunteered to talk to Biz about transferring ownership of the objects to the UUtopians group.
- Signage & Teleport locations
Lilith noted that if you TP to UUtopia without specifying a specific point, you end up near the pond, which is the center of the sim. She proposed having the landing point be at the entrance to the Sanctuary. We walked over to the entrance and discussed how to make visitors land there. Some experiments showed that turning on a landing point affected everyone anywhere in the sim.
We noted that the ad for the FUUCSL services needs a better landing point. Sofia, as the owner of the ad, will update it to route people to the Sanctuary entrance.
While we were there, we discussed organizing the signs on the entrance walkway. Lacking time, we tabled that for next month.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:26 pm SLT
Respectfully Submitted, Zyzzy Zarf, Secretary