Date: August 27, 2015
Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting
Tee called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm SLT
Present: Et, Ori, Peter, Sofia, Tee, Zyzzy
Absent: Tim
Old Business
Minutes – Zyzzy
- June’s minutes
- July’s minutes
- Previous minutes’ approval moved, seconded, and carried.
Treasurer’s Report – Sofia
Treasurer’s report July 31 , 2015
ASSETS | June 30, 2015 | July 31, 2015 | |||
Magic’s account | L$45,911 | L$56,782 | |||
Byk’s account | L$135,900 | US$842.73 | L$47,400 | US$842.73 | |
KIVA: | US$475 | US$475 | |||
Total Assets | L$181,811 | US$1317.73 | L$104,182 | US$1317.73 | |
Presenters: | L$26,500 | L$30,500 | |||
Rent: | L$150,000 | L$225,000 | |||
Advertising: | L$1250 | L$1450 | |||
Total Expenses | L$177,750 | L$256,950 | |||
INCOME | |||||
Plate collections: | L$47,161 | Includes library | L$55,901 | Includes library | |
Pledge payments: | L$215,231 | PledgedL$368K | L$215,231 | 58% | |
Total Income | L$262,392 | L$271,132 | |||
Membership | 68 | 68 |
Note: Year –to-date expenses are almost equal to year-to-date income. We will slip into the red unless we receive more of the anticipated pledge income. In September, as I have done in prior years, I plan to send reminders to all those who have pledged and not yet fulfilled their pledge. That should give a bump in income.
UUtopia Report – Zyzzy
- Freda left the parcel on Alcott South that she and Hex shared. She still has the parcel with the big tree on Alcott North.
- I looked at the biggest time-consumers in UUtopia, to see what might be causing lag. The most time-consuming scripts were the letters on the announcement board.
Outreach – Et
- Nothing to report this month. We are NOT simulcasting the CLF service because their Zoom conferencing tool cannot be displayed inside SL. In September they may return to their old AdobeConnect tool which we can (sometimes) show inside SL.
Library Report – Peter
- Postponed until next meeting
Worship Report- Tee
- Several people have services that they’re working on: Ori on Racism, Et on sin vs. evil, Tee on doubt and grief.
- Ori will lead 9/24
- Et might be ready for 9/3
- Bel has agreed to redecorate the Sanctuary at her convenience. Thank you Bel!
Election of Officers carried over from the July meeting.
- Tee volunteered to continue as moderator
- Zyzzy volunteered to continue as Secretary
- Sofia volunteered to continue as Treasurer
- Peter volunteered to continue as Librarian (unofficial)
- The slate was nominated, moved, seconded, and approved.
New Business
- None
The meeting was adjourned at 6:01 pm SLT