Meeting opened at 17:43.
Present: Etaoin Barcelona, Sofia Freenote, Zyzzy Zarf, Thisbe Blackadder
- Services
Discussion about paying someone to give the services for a fee per service, an RL UU minister who would also perform services for us. This would help us get recognized in the ‘outside’ world. Woe could give 1500 to 2500L per service or something, and add in a parsonage perhaps.
Sofia moved that we explore with RevJ and Beacon their interest in becoming our minister. Zyzzy seconded.
Thisbe and Et agreed.
Et will contact RevJ and Beacon in RL.
- Service Elements
The OOS is working well. some thought that the staggered typing is confusing, but Sofia wants to give it a few more weeks to see if it will catch on and become a tradition.
The music player really simplifies things.
[Lilith Yue joined the meeting]
- Website
Need more content for the website. Sofia noted that there is a lot of material in the notecard distribution box and this can be used as a source of material. A sermon archive may be set up.
Meeting adjourned at 18:28.