Meeting was brought to order at 5:28 PM SLT.
LG Members Present: Etaoin Barcelona, Thisbe Blackadder, Cyfer Braess, Sofia Freenote, Lilith Yue, Zyzzy Zarf
- New Member
Biz has resigned from the LG. Sofia nominated Zyzzy Zarf. Lilith seconded. Zyzzy accepted the nomination. Unanimous vote in favor. Welcome Zyzzy!
- Discussion of Mission and Vision Statements
There was discussion about how to vote for the proposal for mission and vision statements which were promulgated. Unfortunately a previous voting mechanism failed. No copy notecards to Lilith was suggested. Lilith will determine the details of how the notecard voting will be carried out.
- Service Leaders
Ideas were passed around to see how we might encourage more people to lead services. Honoria was suggested as an incentive to get service leaders in the amount of 1000L. Sofia moved for a 1000L stipend. Cyfer seconded. 3 ayes and 3 nays. Motion failed.
- FUUSL and UUTopia
Ideas were discussed on how were could link these areas together better. Some people come to FUUSL and no one is here. More people hang out in UUTopia. There was discussion about the welcome area in FUUSL and the need for improvements, including signage/links to UUTopia. and/or links to websites on UUism and so on. Sofia moved that a subcommittee be formed to look into the problem with the Welcome Area and to make suggestions for improvements. Lilith seconded. $ ayes and 2 abstentions. Lilith joined that subcomittee.
Thisbe moved to adjourn the meeting, Cyfer seconded. Passed unanimously and the meeting ended at 6:26 PM SLT.