This is a continuation of the 2008-01-16 LG Meeting
January 21, 2008 6:30 pm SLT
Present: Sofia Freenote, Pomona Writer, Etaoin Barcelona, Trouble Welles, Beacon Questi, Otenth Paderborn
We experimented with several different communication provided by Otenth.
- We agreed that a red notecard dispenser would be used for Leadership Group minutes and other important documents. This object is free. Otenth will change the texture to read “UUSL Minutes†and install at Lovelace. The object will be set to the Leadership Group so that we will be the only ones able to put things into it.
- We took a field trip to examine a calendar that displays information from a google calendar. A formal motion was made for Otenth to purchase this calendar (and request reimbursement from UUGuru), create a google calendar linked to the FUUCSL googlegroup, and install the calendar in Lovelace. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
- The full SL names of Leadership Group members will be noted in all minutes so that members may contact us via email or notecards. If any one of the LG receives such a communication, we will share it with the entire LG via the Leaderhip Group SL group.
- We agreed to continue discussion via email of agenda items next for our first regularly scheduled meeting, Feb. 6, 2008, 6:30 pm SLT in the meditation room in Modesta.