2025-01-23 LG Minutes

27 02 2025


Date: January 23, 2025

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

At Zyzzy’s Plateau of Seasonal Fun

Come prepared for ice skating and sledding if time permits, and/or return another time for fun.

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:34 pm SLT

Present: Zyzzy, Raven, Et, Zoe, Sofia


Observing: Prosper

Minutes – Zyzzy

  • December Minutes accepted

Treasurer’s Report – Et/Sofia

Treasurer’s report December 31, 2024

ASSETS 12/31/2023 12/31/2024
Magic’s account L$77,302 L$64,337
Byk’s account L$154,610 US$1046.68
($950 in paypal)
L$79,587 US$1046.68
($950 in paypal)
KIVA: US$130 US$130
Total Assets L$231,912 US$1176.68 L$143,924 US$1176.68
EXPENSES 2023 2024
Presenters: L$103,000 L$102,000
Rent: L$300,000 L$300,000
Advertising: L$2400 L$2400
Total Expenses L$405,400 L$404,200
INCOME 2023 2024
Plate collections: L$79,661 L$64, 785
Pledge payments: L$326,019 2023: 98.5% of pledged amount L$262,977 2024: 100% of pledged amount
Total Income L$405,680 L$327,762
Membership 38 38

Membership roll in review. Pledge request letter sent to all group members in late January.

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Luna Linda and Hy picked up parcels. Still parcels available.

Outreach – Et

  • Not much. GA in Baltimore in June. Reduced price registration through the end of March.

Library Report – ?

  • Sermon library. A few years available just outside the Library, kind of hidden for now (look just to the west of the building, along a small hill)

Worship Report (Sofia)

Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through the mid 2025. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (Zyzzy, Zoe, Sofia and Raven are in the regular rotation. Other volunteers are welcome!) The 2025 assignments are not yet in the calendar.


21-Nov Zyzzy
28-Nov Raven
5-Dec Sofia
12-Dec Zoe
19-Dec Raven
26-Dec Zoe
2-Jan Zyzzy
9-Jan Sofia


2-Jan Zyzzy
9-Jan Sofia
16-Jan Zoe
23-Jan Zyzzy
30-Jan Sofia Imbolc
6-Feb Raven
13-Feb Zyzzy
20-Feb Zoe
27-Feb Sofia
6-Mar Raven
13-Mar Zyzzy
20-Mar Sofia Ostara
27-Mar Zoe
3-Apr Raven
10-Apr Zyzzy
17-Apr Sofia
23-Apr Zoe
1-May Raven Beltane
8-May Zyzzy
15-May Raven
22-May Zoe
29-May Sofia
5-Jun Zyzzy
12-Jun Raven
19-Jun Zoe Litha/Summer Solstice
26-Jun Sofia

2025 Pagan Holidays

Note that just following the usual rotation, Raven has ended up on three pagan holidays in the first half of 2025, when she only reserved one. Is that ok with Raven? It is not necessary to have a pagan service – a general service touching on the theme (or some other theme) would suffice. Does the proposed schedule need to be adjusted? It is not yet in the Calendar.

Raven: I only chose Beltane for the first half of the year, and Mabon, Samhain, and Yule for the 2nd half. I’m glad to see Sofia has chosen to do Ostara, but I wanted to leave Imbolc, Litha, and Lughnasadh/Lammas open for anyone else. And, it doesn’t have to include a ritual like I usually do, nor does it have to be theatrical like I make it.Should nobody pick Imbolc, Ostara, or Lammas, I can do a service on that day, but I don’t want to seem like a Pagan Service Hog, which is why I limit my number of Pagan services to only half of the Wheel of The Year.

If you wish to lead a pagan service, please let Sofia know.

Imbolc: January 30 Sofia

Ostara (Spring equinox) March 20 Sofia

Beltane May 1 Raven

June Solstice June 19th Zoe

Lughnasadh/Lammas July 31 Raven

Autumn Equinox September 18 Zoe

Samhain October 30 Raven

Yule (Winter solstice) December 18 Raven

Saturday Service – TED

Saturdays alternating Open Topic with a subject homily works well. European participants, a few regulars. Good discussions and company, worth doing. Possible co-leader?

New Business

  • What is the future of FUUCSL?
  • Framework for discussion?
  • Deficit, need for pledges
  • How to get more attendees and members?
  • Do we have a critical mass of attendees at the service?
  • What would it take to maintain FUUCSL and UUtopia in the future?
  • How can we make sure we’re relevant?

Continuing business

  • Sermon Library starting, a few years available just outside the Library, kind of hidden for now (look just to the west of the building, along a small hill)

Next meeting: February 27 at the one of the new meeting places.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm SLT.

