2024-07-25 LG Minutes

22 08 2024


Date: July 25, 2024

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting

At Little Meeting Circle

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:33 pm SLT

Present: Sofia, Zyzzy, Et, Zoe, TED, Raven



Minutes – Zyzzy

  • June Minutes accepted

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia

Treasurer’s report June 30, 2024

ASSETS May 31, 2024 June 30, 2024
Magic’s account L$30,171 L$32,585
Byk’s account L$199,699 US$1046.68
($950 in paypal)
L$189,699 US$1046.68
($950 in paypal)
KIVA: US$130 US$130.00
Total Assets L$230,070 US$1176.68 L$222,284 US$1176.68
EXPENSES May 31, 2024 June 30, 2024
Presenters: L$43,000 L$52,000
Rent: L$150,000 L$150,000
Advertising: L$1000 L$1200
Total Expenses L$194,000 L$203,200
INCOME May 31, 2024 June 30, 2024
Plate collections: L$29,069 L$31,733
Pledge payments: L$174,089 L$174,089 2024:69% of pledged amount*
Total Income L$203,158 L$205,822
Membership 38 38

There are three major pledges yet unpaid. Based on history of giving, they will be paid in full and we will again have a 100% success in collecting pledges.

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Bel moved in to Alcott SSW

Outreach – Et

  • Not much.

Library Report – ?

Worship Report (Sofia)

Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through the end of 2024. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (Zyzzy, Zoe, Sofia and Raven are in the regular rotation. Other volunteers are welcome!)


11-Apr Zyzzy
18-Apr Sofia
25-Apr Zoe
2-May Raven Beltane
9-May Zoe
16-May Zyzzy
23-May Sofia
30-May Raven Awaiting Stipend
6-Jun Zyzzy
13-Jun Zoe
20-Jun Sofia Litha
27-Jun Raven Pride (Awaiting Stipend)
4-Jul-24 Zyzzy
11-Jul Zoe
18-Jul Sofia
25-Jul Raven Awaiting Stipend
1-Aug Zoe
8-Aug Zoe
15-Aug Sofia
22-Aug Raven
29-Aug zyzzy
5-Sep Sofia
12-Sep Raven
19-Sep Zoe Mabon
26-Sep zyzzy
3-Oct Sofia
10-Oct Raven
17-Oct Zoe
24-Oct Zyzzy
31-Oct Raven Samhain
7-Nov Zoe
14-Nov Sofia
21-Nov Zyzzy
28-Nov Raven
5-Dec sofia
12-Dec zoe Tiny Carolers
19-Dec Raven Yule
26-Dec Zyzzy
2-Jan Zoe
9-Jan Sofia

2024 pagan holidays

Imbolc 1-Feb-24 Zoe
Ostara 19-Mar-24 Raven
Beltane 1-May-24 Raven
Litha 19-Jun Sofia
Lammas 1-Aug-24 open
Mabon 21-Sep-24 Zoe
Samhain 1-Nov-24 Raven
Yule 20-Dec-24 Raven

Saturday Service – TED

Saturdays alternating Open Topic with a subject homily works well. European participants, a few regulars. Good discussions and company, worth doing. Only a few people this past month – maybe because summers are busy?

Continuing business

  • Sermon Library
  • In our group email we’ve planned, written, and revised a letter to Linden Research about problems in Second Life. Letters sent to Linden Labs. Nothing heard back as yet.
  • Research other groups we may share this with
  • One route would be directly sharing with leaders of groups involved in education (ie Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education or VWBPE), or supportive services (Virtual Ability), major fundraising groups (RFL of SL which is currently presenting its annual Fantasy Faire), and of course other religious organizations (the Baha’i who share our region for example). Also reputable just-for-fun groups of long standing, like the Raglan Shire group that presents Tiny Caroling annually at UUtopia. Those groups can be asked to sign on to a revised version of the letter “from the undersigned groups,” or draft their own individual versions.

Another route would be to circulate a petition via one of those online petition-signing sites, to appeal directly to SL users.

ZOE will contact other groups and report back.


Next meeting: August 22 at floating chalice meeting pad

The meeting was adjourned at 6:47 pm SLT.

Parking Lot: (revisit or delete)

Homework: research options for SJ work here in SL. (Grameen Bank? Camp Hill food bank)

FYI: Camp Hill food pantry donations can be sent to:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CampHillUU

at Zyzzy’s

little dome meeting circle

Sofia’s Beach Cabana

