Date: February 24, 2022
Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting
At the mini sanctuary pavillion (“meeting circle”)
Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm SLT
Present: Zyzzy, Zoe, Sofia, Et, Prosper, Bel, TED
Absent: Raven, Pomona
Minutes – Etaoin
- Approved the January minutes:
Treasurer’s Report – Sofia
Treasurer’s report January 31, 2022
ASSETS | DECEMBER 31, 2021 | January 31, 2021 | |||
Magic’s account | L$104,187 | L$9931 | |||
Byk’s account | L$120,027 | US$1096.68 | L$132,019 | US$1096.68 | |
KIVA: | US$475 | US$475 | |||
Total Assets | L$224,214 | US$1571.68 | L$141,950 | US$1571.68 | |
EXPENSES | DECEMBER 31, 2021 | January 31, 2022 | |||
Presenters: | L$103,000 | L$8,000 | |||
Rent: | L$300,000 | L$75,000 | |||
Advertising: | L$2600 | L$200 | |||
Total Expenses | L$405,600 | L$83,200 | |||
INCOME | DECEMBER 31, 2021 | January 31, 2022 | |||
Plate collections: | L$107,150 | L$5994 | |||
Pledge payments: | L$321,259 | L$84,800 | |||
Total Income | L$428,409 | L$90,794 | |||
Membership | 34 | 34 |
UUtopia Report – Zyzzy
- No News
Outreach – Et
- UUA GA in Portland (and virtual) June 22-26. Online GA registration open March 1, 2022:
Library Report – Pomona
- No report
- Pomona asked what we expect from the Library
- Sofia asked for Pomona to check out if there are any UU publications still there
- Current publications are links to internet resources. Some question on reading PDFs in SL.
- Love WorldReligions (Pomona can log in) is picking up donations, and has to transition from Bel. Suspect that there is a significant amount in there.
Thursday Worship Report (Sofia)
Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through March of 2022. Note the color-coded blocks. Please double check the schedule for accuracy and availability. (The regular rotation is Zyzzy-Zoe-Sofia)
I have included the pagan holidays led by Zoe, Raven and Prosper in the rotation following requests as indicated in earlier minutes. If anyone would like to claim one of the open spots, let me know.
January 27th (Imbolc/Candlemas/Brigid/Groundhog’s Day) Zoe
March 17th (Ostara/Spring Equinox) Prosper
April 28th (Beltane)* Raven
June 23rd (Litha/Summer Solstice) Zoe
July 28th (Lughnasadh/First Harvest) Prosper Bread Offering
September 22nd (Mabon/Autumn Equinox/Second Harvest)*Raven
October 27th (Samhain/Final Harvest)*Raven
November 17th (Harvest Day – A different spin on Thanksgiving [a week before the actual day]) OPEN
December 15th (Yule)*Raven
24-Feb | Zyzzy |
3-Mar | Zoe |
10-Mar | Sofia |
17-Mar | Prosper/Ostara |
24-Mar | Zyzzy |
31-Mar | Zoe |
7-Apr | Sofia |
14-Apr | Zyzzy |
21-Apr | Zoe |
28-Apr | Raven/Beltane |
5-May | Sofia |
Mary 12 | Zyzzy |
19-May | Zoe |
26-May | Sofia |
2-Jun | Zyzzy |
9-Jun | Zoe |
16-Jun | Sofia |
23-Jun | Zoe/Solstice |
30-Jun | Zyzzy |
7-Jul | Sofia |
Saturday Worship Report (TED)
Attendance low recently, but some really good discussions. The alternating OpenTopic / homily pattern is working well to keep TED from burning out.
New Business.
- Replacement of the old Biz canopy over the discussion area? Prosper can whip up something and we can look.
Next meeting March 24 at 5:30pm SLT at sky circle Alcott
The meeting was adjourned at 6:XX pm SLT.