Date: July 22, 2021
Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting
the discussion circle on the party platform.
Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm SLT
Present: Zyzzy, Et, TED, Zoe, Pomona
Absent: Sofia, Liliana
Minutes – Etaoin
- June’s minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Sofia
Treasurer’s report June 30, 2021
ASSETS | May 31, 2021 | June 30, 2021 | |||
Magic’s account | L$56,923 | L$65,373 | |||
Byk’s account | L$209,689 | US$1096.68 | L 220,189 |
US$1096.68 | |
KIVA: | US$475 | US$475 | |||
Total Assets | L$266,612 | US$1571.68 | L$285,562 | US$1571.68 | |
EXPENSES | May 31, 2021 | June 30, 2021 | |||
Presenters: | L$44,000 | L$50,000 | |||
Rent: | L$150,000 | L$150,000 | |||
Advertising: | L$1000 | L$1200 | |||
Total Expenses | L$195,000 | L$201,200 | |||
INCOME | May 31, 2021 | June 30, 2021 | |||
Plate collections: | L$58,386 | L 67,036 |
Pledge payments: | L$205,421 | L 230,421 |
76% of pledged amount | ||
Total Income | L$263,807 | L$297,457 | |||
Membership | 34 | 34 |
UUtopia Report – Zyzzy
- Zena Silverstar has disappeared. No idea why. I’m leaving her parcel alone for now.
- Del moved from UUtopia ENE to UUtopia NNE1, next to TED and Zoe.
- Orikosh hasn’t been heard from in almost two months.
- We currently have 7 available parcels, 3 on Alcott and 4 on UUtopia.
- With this many empty parcels, I think it would be nice if some people decorated them. Perhaps leave a tasteful “this parcel is available” sign somewhere on them.
- Discussion:
- We should invite others to decorate un-rented parcels.
- Clean out the “UUtopian” group after announcing the cleanout
- Send a group message to UUtopians inviting others to decorate.
- We will provide a sign that says “Parcel available for rental touch sign for information” and it will send you a notecard with rental information (someone should generate the object/notecard and distribute to UUtopians)
- Please make decoration objects group-owned to UUtopians to allow other UUtopians to adjust.
Outreach – Et
- No action. UUA GA next year in Portland; maybe we can meet (plan your vacation for 2022!)
Library Report – Pomona
- Now discussing “The Dalai Lama’s Cat”. Low attendance but TED and Pomona have continued. Time moved to Thurs 14:30 SLT. 4 of us were there today for the first session on this book.
- These discussions should be added to the SL Events calendar.
Saturday Worship Report (from TED)
- We’ve been having good discussions on Saturday. Group size varies, from just one to the better part of 10. About half non-overlap with Thursdays. People from Europe. TED will be away Aug 14 and 21 (out 8/9 – 27). Thank you Zyzzy for fixing the jukebox, especially on short notice. Zoe will take 8/14.
Worship Report (Sofia)
Here is the upcoming schedule for Thursday services through September. Note the color-coded blocks. There have already been several trades incorporated into the summer schedule so please double check the schedule for accuracy. (The regular schedule is Zyzzy-Zoe-Sofia-Pomona)
Special dates
16-Sept-2021 Liliana
28-OCT-2021 Liliana
16-Dec-2021 Liliana
29-Jul | zyzzy |
5-Aug | zoe |
12-Aug | sofia |
19-Aug | Pomona |
26-Aug | zyzzy |
2-Sep | zoe |
9-Sep | Sofia |
16-Sep | Liliana |
23-Sep | Pomona |
New Business
- TED giving a homily about Motivations at the Camp Hill UU congregation’s “Eventide” zoom meeting Thursday September 2nd 4 pm SLT. Prosper says the more the merrier. We should announce it to the UUs of SL group – Aug 26th, Zyzzy? (Ask TED or Prosper for link)
- There is a video playing automatically at the library. Zyzzy will check it out.
- Elections: for the month of July, ask the congregation whether anyone wants to join the leadership group. Then have elections on August 19. Et will come up with a list of candidates just before the vote, then a vote by acclamation just before the service
- Zoe reached out to Prosper Telling about the elections and he said yes, he would be interested, and the time would work out fine for him, so please put his name on the ballot.
Next meeting August 26 at 5:30pm SLT at the discussion circle on the party platform.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:02 pm SLT.