Date: May 28, 2015
Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting
Tee called the meeting to order at 5:36 pm SLT
Present: Bel, Dav0, Et, Peter, Sofia, Tee, Zyzzy
Old Business
Minutes – Zyzzy
- Previous minutes’ approval moved, seconded, and carried.
Treasurer’s Report – Sofia
Treasurer’s report April 30, 2015
ASSETS | March 31, 2015 | April 30, 2015 | |||
Magic’s account | L$25,445 | L$35,166 | |||
Byk’s account | L$149,219 | US$842.73 | L$117.900 | US$842.73 | |
KIVA: | US$475 | US$475 | |||
Total Assets | L$174,664 | US$1317.73 | L$153,066 | US$1317.73 | |
Presenters: | L$12,500 | L$20,500 | |||
Rent: | L$75,000 | L$150,000 | |||
Advertising: | L$650 | L$850 | |||
Total Expenses | L$88,150 | L$171,350 | |||
INCOME | |||||
Plate collections: | L$26,295 | Includes library | L$32,871 | Includes library | |
Pledge payments: | L$179,731 | PledgedL$368K | L$204,731 | ||
Total Income | L$206.026 | L$237,602 | |||
Membership | 68 | 68 |
Byk’s Linden balance declined because I paid the quarterly rent for the Sanctuary.
UUtopia Report – Zyzzy
- Nothing interesting happened this month.
- We currently have 4096+2048 available in UUtopia, and 4096+1024+2048 in Alcott
Outreach – Et
- Sunday service with CLF continues
- Attending GA next month and I hope to connect with a few more CLF people
- Associated Organization effort on hold until we figure out what happens with Sansar.
Library Report – Bel
- New Librarian of World Religions
For awhile now I’ve felt like I have not been giving the content of the library enough time and effort. Peter studies religions and is very excited about bringing content to the library. Since content is the most important thing it makes sense to give him the librarian position if it is okay with the leadership group.
I will stay on the list as an “owner” so I can help out. I’m still around to build and help or take over again if needed. I love running the library but I want it to be the best it can be for UUtopia. With Peter’s knowledge of religions I feel he is better to update all the content as I’ve been wanting to do for a long time now. He already has started making lists and figuring out how to make it better. He has also started a Google group for managing the library. I’m impressed!
I’ve stopped working on the new areas until I find out what is decided. I think Peter plans on moving it all to the library and not have separate areas. I took the library office down and the work platform so Peter can set up his own areas. I’m going to continue to send things to LuvWorldReligions and Peter will also put library assets in that inventory.
In the future (after content is updated) Peter has talked about making a round open building with everything in it instead of the three current buildings.
I know I’ve stepped back from a lot of commitments lately but know that I’m still here and willing to help all I can. I had not thought of leaving the librarian post this soon but feel that Peter will do a great job.
PS The Waterfalls have been updated or replaced in UUtopia. I’m looking for some updated trees etc. to continue the planting update. (Thank you, Tee for financing this project)
- Proposed work plan of new Librarian
Peter’s Report:
In consultation with Belovan and a group of other Library collaborators, the following was drawn up:
Our VISION for the Library of World Religions is a virtual space where seekers can find introductory material to some of the major elements of humanity’s rich spiritual heritage and discuss them with others in an environment of mutual respect and appreciation.
The MISSION of the Library of World Religions is to be a venue for interfaith dialog, understanding, appreciation, harmony, and collaboration in addressing the pressing needs of today’s beleaguered world.
To achieve this, we will work along the following five lines of action:
1. RESTRUCTURING the library collection with internationally-recognized categories to include other religions and spiritual movements
2. ENRICHING the materials collection to populate the new structure, adding suitable posters and including interactive scripts where appropriate
3. NETWORKING with potentially interested groups and individuals inside and out of SL to seek their support and attendance
4. ESTABLISHING periodic multi-faith events at the Library, to make it a forum for inter-faith dialogue, in addition to World Religion Day
5. RENOVATING the library buildings, decorations and landscaping to make it increasingly attractive and user-friendly
To facilitate teamwork, a “Library of World Religions†Google Group was created. There is also a shared Google Drive folder, which currently contains the evolving categorization and vision/mission. If anyone would like access to either or both, please contact Peter at
Warm greetings,
Peter (pcnewtone)
- Sofia moved to accept this change. It was seconded and approved.
Worship Report- Tee
- Discussion ensued about how to get more people to run services, and how Et can help pull strings behind the scenes.
- LG Recruits (canvass the UUtopia renters?)
- Election methodology
- Tallying who’s available to run. Unclear.
New Business
- Community Meeting/reorganization?
The meeting was adjourned at 6:26 pm SLT