Date: 2014-07-24
Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting
Tee called the meeting to order at 5:36 SLT.
Attending: Sofia, Bel, Tee, Zyzzy, dav0
Absent: Et, Peter
Observing: BuffyFluffy
Old Business
Minutes- Zyzzy
- It seems that a quorum is a majority of members, so we are ok.
- Previous minutes’ acceptance moved, seconded, and approved
Treasurer’s Report – Sofia
- There was no new treasurer’s report this month.
- Sofia handles the Kiva loans now.
- dav0 asked what the Kiva stuff is. He became enlightened.
Residency and Sim Report – Zyzzy
- I have not heard from Hy.
- Hex and Freda abandoned their parcels.
- dav0 rented another 2048
- Darcy left her UUtopia parcel, and is keeping her Alcott parcel
- Excluding the Sanctuary, we are 78% rented, which is low. With the sanctuary, it’s not so bad.
Appointment of Officers
- Et may become Treasurer in 2015
- The current officers were moved to continue. Seconded and approved.
Library Report – Belovan
- I’m happy to welcome three new assistant Librarians. I’ve put up a contact board in the library for me and the three assistants.
- Aimee (asgoodson), Undar Addison (passkow), and Nadia Lane.
- Now there will be more people to contact for library needs.
- I will be meeting with them soon to see if we can start having events at the library again.
- Also I placed a large helper board in the commons at the building and anyone that wants to be available to answer questions and help people in UUtopia should place their names on the board. Just click an empty board and follow the directions.
- Derived from Annual Report sections.
- We should formalize some committees and who is on them.
- Thanksgiving and Christmas are both on what would be LG meetings. Tee proposed to have a November / December LG meeting on December 11. Moved, seconded, and approved.
- June 24, 2015 is during GA, so Sofia proposed moving it to June 18. Seconded and approved.
Annual Report Feedback
- Postponed until next meeting, so that people can review the annual report.
New Business
Mission, Vision Values and Goals – Tee
- When we have more LG people attending, we should discuss goals.
- We will create a list of proposed committees and goals, and discuss that before the next LG meeting. Tee will create a Google Doc for this.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:21 SLT