2011-07-28 LG Minutes

31 07 2011

Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group meeting

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 5:31 pm SLT by Zyzzy Zarf.

Present: Zyzzy Zarf, Etaoin Barcelona, Darcy Cedarbridge, Joan Ixito, Zena Silverstar, Sofia Freenote, and Tee Auster


The Minutes of the June 30, 2011 Leadership Group meeting as prepared by Pomona Writer were approved as read.

Treasurer’s Report (Sofia Freenote)

Individual Accounts Magic: L$77,597
Byk: L$23,974 US$1481.45
KIVA: US$475
Assets L$L101,571 US$1481.45 KIVA $475
Expenses in 2011 Presenters: L$44,000
Rent: L$70,416
Advertising: L$1500
Income in 2011 to date Plate collections: L$72,498  ave L$213
Pledge payments: L$53,300

Total Expense: L$115,916

Total Income: L$125,798

New Pledging/Voting Members: Hollys Chevalier, Argent Verino, Orikosh
63 members

KIVA Report (Joan Ixito)

  • Tabled until next month

Election of 2011-2012 Officers (LG)

  • After a spirited discussion, the following slate was proposed and approved:

Zyzzy Zarf – Moderator
Sofia Freenote – Treasurer
Tee Auster – Secretary

  • Thank you to Pomona Writer for her past service as Secretary.

Collection Plate Updating (Zyzzy Zarf)

  • Zyzzy and Sofia updated the collection plate with new scripts and suggested donation amounts.
  • Sofia will monitor the collected totals to see if there is a change.

Visitor’s Report (Etaoin Barcelona)

  • Pomona’s library made the SL Destinations List . Approximately 25 new people a day have been visiting. (Tee’s note~ up from 5-7 per day from last report). It was about 50 people the first two days. Seems to be one or two new people per service.
  • SL is the 7th largest online game.
  • Observations also include the connection with Peter Bowden may be beneficial to our position with UUA. In addition, our group is coming up in Facebook discussion groups.

Lecture Series (Joan Ixito)

  • Joan is developing/presenting monthly talks on various UU related topics, consistent with our values. During the month of July, this included a talk on Buddhism and another on a book about cognitive dissonance. Joan has volunteered to continue this project. The hope is that the series will bring new people to UUtopia and FUUCSL besides adding depth to our offerings. Events will be listed on the group calendar. Events may be advertised. Times may vary.
  • The motion passed to provide space for individuals and groups who wish to initiate activities, celebrations and open discussions on the issues of the day.

Non FUUCSL Groups and Use of Sanctuary (LG)

  • There is need to develop a written Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for Non FUUCSL groups who wish to use our sanctuary and have been determined to be suitable. Darcy will draft an AUP in aligned with our mission, convent and UU principals for review at the next LG meeting.
  •  Another great idea is to distribute a mission statement card as a welcoming tool at services and meetings.

New Business

  • None

Meeting adjourned at 6:25 pm SLT.

The next meeting will be Thursday, August 25, 2011 at 5:30 pm SLT.
Respectfully submitted,
  Tee Auster, Secretary

