Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group meeting of Thursday, March 24, 2011
The Agenda was distributed before the meeting.
The meeting was called to order at 5:32 pm SLT by Zyzzy Zarf.
Present: Zyzzy Zarf, Sofia Freenote, Pomona Writer, Darcy Cedarbridge, Zena Silverstar, Joan Ixito, Etaoin Barcelona
Visitors: LifesongSing Resident, LiannaMarie Resident
Minutes: (Pomona Writer)
The Minutes of February 24, 2011 were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: (Sofia Freenote)
As of 3/24/2011
Magic | L$35,733 | ||
Byk | L$31,499 | US$1481.45 | KIVA $475 |
Total Assets | L$67,232 | US$1481.45 (SL) | KIVA $475 |
Expenses in 2011 | |||
Presenters: | L$12,500 | ||
Rent: | L$46,944 | ||
Advertising: | L$600 |
No new members.
KIVA Report: (Joan Ixito)
13 Members of FUUCSL Kiva Lending Team, including Byk
43 Loans Made, 3.2 Loans/member
For all members:
6 Loans repaid in full
1 Loan defaulted after 99% repayment
Byk has 21 loans, 16 of which are currently being repaid.
Total Amount Loaned: $1,075
Loans made to persons or groups in Africa, South America, Asia, Middle East, Central America.
Byk has loans made to:
2 Central America
4 South America
6 Africa
4 Asia
Pomona Writer noted that her money was donated to KIVA administrative costs.
Zyzzy asks how someone could default on a loan with 99% paid? He assumes this is a default of the system.
Sofia will continue to reinvest on behalf of the group until she hears otherwise, as earlier voted upon. If there is a change of direction, it will be discussed.
Joan mentions that we can set goals, but have not yet done so.
Influx of visitors: (Zyzzy Zarf)
Etaoin had submitted an article about UUSL in the SL newspaper. In the first 48 hours, there were 175 visitors. Pomona noticed an increase in Library visitors. Del found a visitor on her building platform, well above the “no fly zone”. Most visitors have been nice, some were actively interested. One of the Lindens (Gabrielle Linden) visited and suggested we amend the directions to say something about “this is also a residential area. No visitors above 512m”
Etaoin will see if the Destination Guide instructions can be changed. Pomona will make sure the landing place instructions mention the privacy/height restriction.
Etaoin Barcelona has set the common parcels to limit non-group object creation.
Zyzzy again notes that we need to replace the scripted objects still owned by Biz.
Zyzzy’s Absence: (Zyzzy Zarf)
Zyzzy Zarf will be gone from SL from Thurs. March 31 until Sat, April 16
Zena and Etaoin will deal with any griefers or problems.
Websites: (Zyzzy Zarf)
Zyzzy has the new FUUCSL.org site in reasonable shape. It needs some styling changes for the minutes, but it’s coming along.
Joan has added an article to the uutopia.org website. Freda has also added an article.
Anyone who wants editing privileges should talk to Joan or Zyzzy. Editing privileges for fuucsl.org are only for LG members. Darcy will assign editing privileges for uutopia.org.
Zyzzy will handle the domain name problem when he returns; we expect the names will be transferred to him.
WUUdstock: (Darcy Cedarbridge)
The WUUdstock information is on the FB UUtopia page. Sofia sent the schedule to UU of SL group.
Freda is handling the finances for WUUdstock. If the costs are paid, she plans to donate any excess to the congregation.
History of UUtopia: (Darcy Cedarbridge)
Darcy is compiling the history of UUtopia and FUUCSL by collecting memories of “old members”.
Pomona will make a book from this material for distribution.
Residents of UUtopia: ( Zyzzy Zarf)
Christie2be disappeared, but Pomona connected with her in RL Church; Christie says she will return at some point.
Hollys abandoned her Alcott parcel, but took Sofia’s former UUtopia parcel.
Sofia moved from UUtopia to Alcott, where she is raising cats.
LifesongSing Resident’s Idea:
“I would like to start an interfaith center here where people of other faiths can do their prayers and also a place for alternative services. It would also hold links to CUUPS and the other UU religious programs. The location would be up to you. It was an idea I thought would enhance this place even more.”
Questions were asked about who would run the alternative services, the location and suitability of various ceremonies, any conflict with our goal is promote UUism, whether LifesongSing knows people familiar with SL to run such services.
LifesongSing Resident: “I wouldn’t mind , I have a bathats – that’s why I said links to the UU religious orgs like UUFJ, CUUPS, and HUU.”
Pomona Writer requests the meaning of “bathats”. LifesongSing does not answer this question.
Zyzzy requests a clear proposal from LifesongSing and gives him the email address.
Meeting adjourned at 6:17 pm SLT.
The next meeting will be Thursday, April 26, 2011, 5:30 pm SLT.
Respectfully submitted,
Pomona Writer, Secretary