2011-01-27 LG Minutes

27 01 2011

Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group meeting of Thursday, January 27, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 5:32 pm SLT by Zyzzy Zarf.

Present: Zyzzy Zarf, Sofia Freenote, Pomona Writer, Darch Cedarbridge, Zena Silverstar, Joan Ixito

Minutes: The minutes of December 16, 2010 were approved. Sofia answered some questions about the previous Treasurer\0x2019s Report.

Agenda: Earlier emailed to all by Zyzzy.

Treasurer’s Report: (Sofia Freenote)

FreeWillOffering Magic: L$18,893
FUUCSLTreasurer Byk: L$60,128 US$1481.45 KIVA US$475
Total: L$79,021 US$1481.45 (SL) KIVA$475

Regarding the KIVA loan account, Sofia explained it can be taken out at any time, but she believes we should keep re-investing.

Old Business

Transgender Resource Center: (Pomona)

  • Hyacinth says she needs more time and is waiting for some personal funds.

  • She insists she does not need any funds from the LG or Congregation.

  • We should provide landmarks for the TGC location.

  • There is a ground floor location and a skybox museum/meeting place.

New UUtopia residents: (Zyzzy)

  • Hollys Chevalier has moved in to Alcott SW, in the corner.

  • Cristie2be has not paid rent, and has perhaps left.

  • We are close to break-even (except for Emerson).

Emerson: (Zyzzy)

  • Zyzzy plans to discontinue paying for Emerson in the next two weeks. It costs $125/month tier.

  • Zena suggests, and others agree, it would be more useful to put the money into KIVA loans.

Saturday Services: (Joan)

  • Saturday turn-outs have been poor.

  • There have been no Europeans attending.

  • Joan may continue as long as she feels it is useful and she wishes to present Saturday services.

  • These have been advertised in the SL classified.

  • It was suggested that they might be put on the SL Events calendar each time.

  • Joan may survey the Europeans again.

New Business


  • Joan asks about the website and the “news” page and procedures for updating.

  • Zyzzy has installed WordPress for the FUUCSL.org site and set up Joan as an administrator.

  • A draft site is at fuucsl.org/wp/, and we can all contribute to it.

  • Zyzzy would like a theme and some content before he changes the default site over to it.

  • The Minutes are current, other parts of the content are not.

  • Posting sermons was mentioned.

  • It would be good to work on it in February.

  • Zyzzy is the webmaster and Joan is the editor.

  • Zyzzy will choose a theme and set up a banner picture, but anyone who wants to contribute can be so. Just ask Zyzzy and he will you the authorization to contribute.

Meeting adjourned at 6:10 pm SLT.

Next meeting will be Thursday, February 24, 2011.

Respectfully submitted, Pomona Writer, Secretary

