Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group meeting of Thursday, January 27, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 5:32 pm SLT by Zyzzy Zarf.
Present: Zyzzy Zarf, Sofia Freenote, Pomona Writer, Darch Cedarbridge, Zena Silverstar, Joan Ixito
Minutes: The minutes of December 16, 2010 were approved. Sofia answered some questions about the previous Treasurer\0x2019s Report.
Agenda: Earlier emailed to all by Zyzzy.
Treasurer’s Report: (Sofia Freenote)
FreeWillOffering Magic: | L$18,893 | ||
FUUCSLTreasurer Byk: | L$60,128 | US$1481.45 | KIVA US$475 |
Total: | L$79,021 | US$1481.45 (SL) | KIVA$475 |
Regarding the KIVA loan account, Sofia explained it can be taken out at any time, but she believes we should keep re-investing.
Old Business
Transgender Resource Center: (Pomona)
Hyacinth says she needs more time and is waiting for some personal funds.
She insists she does not need any funds from the LG or Congregation.
We should provide landmarks for the TGC location.
There is a ground floor location and a skybox museum/meeting place.
New UUtopia residents: (Zyzzy)
Hollys Chevalier has moved in to Alcott SW, in the corner.
Cristie2be has not paid rent, and has perhaps left.
We are close to break-even (except for Emerson).
Emerson: (Zyzzy)
Zyzzy plans to discontinue paying for Emerson in the next two weeks. It costs $125/month tier.
Zena suggests, and others agree, it would be more useful to put the money into KIVA loans.
Saturday Services: (Joan)
Saturday turn-outs have been poor.
There have been no Europeans attending.
Joan may continue as long as she feels it is useful and she wishes to present Saturday services.
These have been advertised in the SL classified.
It was suggested that they might be put on the SL Events calendar each time.
Joan may survey the Europeans again.
New Business
Joan asks about the website and the “news” page and procedures for updating.
Zyzzy has installed WordPress for the FUUCSL.org site and set up Joan as an administrator.
A draft site is at fuucsl.org/wp/, and we can all contribute to it.
Zyzzy would like a theme and some content before he changes the default site over to it.
The Minutes are current, other parts of the content are not.
Posting sermons was mentioned.
It would be good to work on it in February.
Zyzzy is the webmaster and Joan is the editor.
Zyzzy will choose a theme and set up a banner picture, but anyone who wants to contribute can be so. Just ask Zyzzy and he will you the authorization to contribute.
Meeting adjourned at 6:10 pm SLT.
Next meeting will be Thursday, February 24, 2011.
Respectfully submitted, Pomona Writer, Secretary