Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting of Thursday, October 28, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm SLT by Zyzzy Zarf, who distributed agendas.
Those present were Zena Silverstar, Darcy Cedarbridge, Joan Ixito, Zyzzy Zarf, Sofia Freenote, Etaoin Barcelona and Pomona Writer.
Guests were Aelita Longfall and Heximer Thane. A few others stopped by briefly.
Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of September 28, 2010 were approved as shown on the website. (Pomona wrote the Minutes, and Zyzzy added Sofia’s Treasurer’s Report later.)
Treasurer’s Report: (Sofia Freenote)
FUUCSLTreasurer Byk Account: | L$58,543 | US$1,428.97 |
FreeWillOffering Magic Account: | L$165,633 | |
Total: | L$224,176 | US$1,428.97 |
During the last month expenses paid by Byk included:
Rent L$24498
Presenters L$5000
Currency exchange fees US$50.83 (3.4%) -
At the end of the year, Sofia will transfer Magic’s balance to Byk, and she will purchase more $$$ at that time. For the past two years, on December 31 the Treasurer transfers all of Magic’s (except $500) to Byc. That way, by monitoring Magic’s balance, we have a way to measure the plate offerings. Year-to-date, FUUCSL has received $L 165,000 in the plate. This is an increase from 2009.
The plan to put most of the treasury in US$ is successfully happening.
Zyzzy suggested we should consider what we wish to do with FUUCSL money.
52 members (no new members)
Old business:
Signage: (Pomona)
Pomona made two new signs, one in the entryway and one in the stone arch near the sanctuary. The sign with the map near the entrance to the sanctuary should also be replaced. The old signs were sent back to the previous owner.
The larger map sign at the Landing Point should be updated as to landmarks and zyzzyporter directions. The latter will not transport people off the main UUtopia island.
Zyzzy and Pomona will work on the teleporter sign problem.
Residents: (Zyzzy)
Some have moved; one has left. There is no one on a waiting list, but the island is nearly always fully rented.
New Business:
Social Justice Taskforce: (Joan)
SJTF held its first meeting and came up with 4 ideas for FUUCSL’s consideration:
1. Penpals to either prisoners or military
2. Kiva (micro-loans) http://www.kiva.org
3. Interfaith outreach
4. Political outreach -
SJFT wants to know what FUUCSL would like to do.
Zena suggested that CLF has a prison penpal program, and we could work in conjunction with them.
KIVA Loans were discussed as a possible use for FUUCSL monies. These micro-loans benefit one person at a time and are almost always repaid. When repaid, the money can then go to benefit another person’s project. Everyone expressed favorable opinions of such a plan. KIVA handles transactions through Paypal; Treasurer avatar BYK also has a paypal account. Our name and photo would be put on the “team page” on Kiva.com showing the person or business we support. As a small side benefit, it would be some publicity for FUUCSL.
After educational materials are given to the voting members, after more research, a Congregational vote will be required. Joan will work with the rest of the Social Justice Taskforce to create a notecard with options and explanations of how they would work.
Zyzzy proposes a subcommittee to make concrete proposal. Joan, Sofia, and Darcy will be the subcommittee and will work out a realistic proposal to present to the Leadership Group.
Weekend Services: (Joan)
5 people have expressed interest. The first Saturday service will be November 13, 2010 at 11:00 AM SLT. Joan plans to try this for a few months.
Increasing Membership: (Sofia)
Membership has remained stagnant for a few months. New UUtopia residents have not necessarily become FUUCSL members.
Discussion revealed confusion about Voting Members of FUUCSL and “Friends” of FUUCSL. Anyone can become a “friend” and be on the mailing list, but only those who actually pledge and donate money and/or time can be a “voting member”.
Information about membership should be added to the boilerplate of standard service announcements.
New Sim: (Zyzzy)
Zyzzy is considering adding another full sim to UUtopia. He needs about one-half (32,000 rented out) to make the plan viable. He feels he could actually carry the sim even at some deficit for months or even years. He is seeking advice from us.
UUtopia being fully rented, more residential space is needed. Also, the sanctuary and common area could be expanded.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 pm SLT.
Respectfully submitted, Pomona Writer, Secretary