MINUTES of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting of Thursday, September 2, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm SLT by Zyzzy Zarf, who distributed agendas.
Those present were Joan Ixito, Zyzzy Zarf, Sofia Freenote, Etaoin Barcelona and Pomona Writer.
Those absent were Zena Silverstar and Darcy Cedarbridge (Darcy flickered in and out as she tried to get online).
Guests were AngelaA Lysette, Lissa Faintree
Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of August 5, 2010 were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report (Sofia Freenote):
FUUCSLTreasurer Byk Account: L$ 489,041 (collects pledges, pays rent) FreeWillOffering Magic Account: L$ 125,244 (offering basket) Total: L$ 614,285 This is an increase of 11,000 over last month. Even with rent and payments to presenters, income exceeded expenses.
Members: 52 members (no new members)
Old Business
- Discussion about Membership:
Zyzzy suggested that we might suggest membership during standard announcements.
Sofia has clarified the membership joining procedure in the notecard distributor in the foyer.
Pomona will check the wording in the welcome sign at the main landing point.
- Discussion about ownership of congregational objects:
Zyzzy wondered if there was a measure of how much needed to be done.
Etaoin saw Bizarre Berry (who owns many of the congregational objects), but he forgot to ask about deeding the objects over to the group.
Each of us should just return floating objects as we see them.
The group agreed to return the small cupola in the entrance, and Pomona returned it to Biz.
Sofia will replace the cupola with a waterfall and make the current waterfall into a pool.
Pomona will make new “green signs” for the entry way, changing to “congregation” from “church”.
Zyzzy needs a new graphic for the website.
Joan’s status was changed to “officer” so she can return objects.
The seating pillows with dance scripts are all Biz’s. The special script Biz obtained somewhere else.
- SL LG Group membership:
Zena made some changes in group membership, but Darcy is not yet in the group. Zyzzy will invite Darcy.
- New Sim – Zyzzy:
The new sim seems unlikely at this point. Zyzzy has received requests for land, but for less than needed. The subject will be kept open, but low key.
A notecard will be made explaining prices and parcel sizes.
- Meeting Date:
An email vote will be taken regarding changing Leadership Group meetings to Fourth Thursdays, beginning September 23, 2010.
Pomona will be absent on September 23rd , and requests that someone send her the log.
New Business
- Visitor Logger:
Zyzzy is researching visitor loggers which would offer a notecard the first time a person appears, but not after that.
Visitors could obtain a notecard later by electing to receive one.
Etaoin suggested some way to follow up to contact visitors.
We would have a list of those who have visited the chapel.
Etaoin suggested this might replace the “talking pulpit.”
If we DO replace the pulpit, we must remember to include an angle that keeps speakers from falling into the water.
- CLF report – Etaoin Barcelona
A board member of CLF is becoming active in SL again. She and Etaoin have discussed CIF/SL relationship earlier, but although she thought it interesting, CLF really couldn’t see how SL could fit. The CLF minister at that time could not visualize any use for SL; the new minister has seen SL . Both CLF and CYF feel their web presence is weak. They have looked into options such a conference calls, which were hard to set up.
Interest by LG members was expressed for those organizations using our space if they wish.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:17 pm SLT.
Respectfully submitted,
Pomona Writer, Secretary