2010-07-01 LG Minutes

1 07 2010

MINUTES of the Meeting of the Leadership Group of the First UU Congregation of Second Life

July 1, 2010, UU campfire meeting area

PRESENT: were Zena Silverstar, Pomona Writer, Zyzzy Zarf, Joan Ixito, Etaoin Barcelona, Sofia Freenote. (Not present: Darcy Cedarbridge).

MEETING called to order by Zena Silverstar at 5:35 pm SLT.


    Minutes of the Meeting of June 2010 were approved as written.


    MSP: Sofia Freenote was elected Treasurer.

    MSP: Pomona Writer was elected Secretary.

    MSP: Zyzzy Zarf was elected Moderator.

    Sofia Freenote noted that for the record, the moderators have been Otenth Paderborn, Pomona Writer, Etaoin Barcelona and Zena Silverstar.

    1. SIGNAGE REPORT (Pomona Writer)

      – Pomona Writer reports that she has talked to Lilith, who said she will give us some objects that Biz gave to her.

      – Pomona believes at least 2 people should decide on the aesthetics of the signage, where signs are placed, etc. Sofia and Zyzzy agree to discuss ideas and give opinions if Pomona will create things. Zyzzy suggested an archive of photoshop masters of sign graphics be made.

      – Pomona is currently working on signposts.

      – Pomona has made a main landing place (large green “compass rose” design with updated Welcome sign). She will update the notecard within the Welcome sign as needed.

      – Pomona plans a pathway to the café and the sanctuary; she will place them and ask for input.

      – Pomona suggests a teleporter system. Sofia suggests buying a “fancy teleporter”. Zyzzy suggests his sim-wide ZyzzyPorter system, which can be placed in an object or a sign. Zyzzy passes out ZyzzyPorters to all who request them.

    2. TREASURER’S REPORT (Sofia Freenote)
      BYK Account: $L 521,183 (pledges)
      Magic Account: $L 83,346 (offering plate)
      Total: $L 604,529  

      Members: There are now 52 members. New members are Darcy Cedarbridge, Joan Ixito, Del Sabra, Sacha Pangaea, Curtis Rhosar, and Balthazar Hotaling.

    3. UUA membership

      UUA membership was briefly discussed. There is a minimum of 50 members, paid in RL money. Since we span multiple district geographies, we would have to come in via CLF. Zena states the UUA will not accept virtual churches anyway.

    1. NEW ISLAND REPORT: (Zyzzy Zarf)

      Curtis Rhosar and the UU Religious Naturalists proposed to join us at UUtopia. This issue is partly FUUCSL and partly UUtopia Management.

      – Curtis’ basic proposal is to buy a Homestead Sim, attach it here, and move his build to it.

      – Zyzzy chatted with Curtis, who is ok with the covenant and the idea that the ground level is public.

      – Sofia visited the Naturalist sim and talked with Curtis.

      – Curtis is now a FUUCSL member, though he seldom can attend services because of the time scheduled.

      – The UU Naturalists’ ideas and principles are discussed.

      – All agree to visit Curtis’ sim at Extensor and talk to Curtis as part of a “due diligence” effort.

      – Zyzzy explains he would buy a homestead sim and rent it to Curtis, thus maintaining UUtopian control.

      – There will be public access to the ground level.

      – Placement of the island is discussed.

      – It is necessary to decide in one week and tell Curtis our decision. All agree to give feedback to Zyzzy within one week.

    ADJOURNMENT: MSP: The meeting is adjourned at 6:20 pm SLT.

    Respectfully submitted, Pomona Writer, Secretary

