Minutes of the April 1, 2010 FUUCSL Leadership Group
Attending were Zena Silverstar, Zyzzy Zarf, Etaoin Barcelona, Thisbe Blackadder, Sofia Freenote, and Pomona Writer.
Zena Silverstar called the meeting to order at 5:31 pm SLT.
- Minutes
The minutes from the last meeting were approved.
- Treasurer’s Report
Sofia said that Freewillofferings so far in 2010 were $43,030, and Treasurer Byk’s balance is $501,055, for a total of L$544,085. We have 48 contributing members, including three new members since the membership drive started. Pledges so far in 2010 are L$12,714.
The Capital Campaign has raised L$67,745, which has been transferred to Zyzzy to help cover the initial cost of UUtopia.
Zyzzy noted that amounts to about 1/4 of the purchase price for UUtopia, and is very appreciative.
- UUtopia Move
Zyzzy noted that it was only one week ago that we decided to buy UUtopia and move the sanctuary there, while recruiting residents to live there to socialize and cover the tier. He noted that things had gone surprisingly well. Nearly all the available parcels had been claimed.
Zyzzy recruited more members for the UUtopia Management Committee (UMC). Zena and Thisbe joined the UMC.
We all agreed that the FUUCSL LG and the UMC are “separate but equal” in some way.
We discussed whether the FUUCSL would pay tier for the sanctuary parcel on UUtopia. It was agreed that would be resonable, and Sofia was charged with determining a number that would work for all parties.
- FUUCSL Name Change
Etaoin proposed using “Congregation” instead of “Church” for the “C”. We determined that the LG has to pass a name change by a 2/3 majority, and the membership has to vote and pass it by a 3/4 majority. A motion to change the name of the FUUCSL to the “First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Second Life” was moved and seconded. The vote for it was unanimous. A discussion ensued about how to present this to the membership and get a vote. Plans were made to bring this up during announcements and move forward for a vote of the membership.
- FUUCSL LG Membership
We discussed that there are supposed to be seven LG members, but we currently have only six.
- CLF Relationship
It was noted that Meg Riley is the new CLF minister.
- Service Leaders
Lilith is leading tonight’s (4/1) service, but she’s having ‘net problems. Zena signed up to lead a service on April 15.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:28 pm SLT
Respectfully Submitted, Zyzzy Zarf, Secretary