Minutes of the March 4, 2010 FUUCSL Leadership Group
Attending were Zena Silverstar, Zyzzy Zarf, Etaoin Barcelona, Thisbe Blackadder, Sofia Freenote, and Pomona Writer.
Zena Silverstar called the meeting to order at 5:31 pm SLT.
- Minutes
The minutes from the last meeting were approved.
- Treasurer’s Report
Sofia said that Freewillofferings so far in 2010 were $20,010, and Treasurer Byk’s balance is $498,401. She noted that she moves the Freewillofferings balance into Byk’s account once a year.
- Modesto
Discussion regarding Bizarre Berry’s intention to close the Modesto parcel, which was the original sanctuary. The LG would like to save what we can from Modesto, particularly the “UU Exposition”, but will leave it to Biz to decide what to do. Biz has said that if and when he sells Modesto, the proceeds will go to the FUUCSL.
- Tennesee shooting shrine
Discussion about whether we should convert into a more permanent installation. Something less specific to that incident, but with information about it available. Sofia donated a rainbow-and-chalice sculpture as a start. No vote was taken, but the sense of the meeting was that we approved of the change, and would work on the memorial area.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:08 pm SLT
Respectfully Submitted, Zyzzy Zarf, Secretary