Minutes of the January 7, 2010 FUUCSL Leadership Group
Attending were Zena Silverstar, Zyzzy Zarf, Etaoin Barcelona, Thisbe Blackadder, and Pomona Writer.
Zena Silverstar called the meeting to order at 5:37 pm SLT.
- Minutes
The minutes from the last meeting were approved, with one small change.
- Social Justice/Social Action
Zena reported on her efforts to reach out to other SJ-aware groups. Progress is being made.
During this outreach, Zena signed up Random Demina of FATE to talk about transgender issues on Jan. 14.
Zena will continue her outreach this coming month
- Treasurer’s Report
Sofia submitted her Treasurer’s Report via email prior to this meeting. She requested that individuals who wish to join the FUUCSL contact FUUCSLTreasurer Byk, not her. It’s a red-tape problem when Sofia gets the pledge payments.
Balance at the end of the year was: Byk, L$384,691 and Magic, L$119,923
- Griefer attacks
We had a brief discussion about griefer attacks in Vigdorova, and what might be done about it, short of having our own sim. It was suggested that we just fill up the prim count of absent landowners that haven’t locked down their parcel. Zyzzy was appointed to look into creating an automatic doohicky to accomplish that.
- 2010 membership drive
We agreed that we should have a membership drive. Membership requires making a pledge, and allows one to vote and run for office. Zena added a note about this to her announcements for the service that day.
We considered whether using the word “Church” in our name is good or is exclusive, as it’s generally taken to mean a Christian group. C = “Congregation” was suggested. No resolution occurred
- The Service Calendar
Discussion about keeping the service calendar on the web site up-to-date. We agreed that this was a good thing, but no motion was made.
- Church of the Larger Fellowship
It was noted that the CLF is hiring a new minister, so we should attempt to forge closer ties with them. Getting someone from CLF to lead a service would be good.
- Messages to the group
A suggestion to send out more frequent group messages containing items of interest was disapproved. We felt that we need to keep the message traffic focused on FUUCSL business.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:24 pm SLT
Respectfully Submitted, Zyzzy Zarf, Secretary