Minutes of the November 5, 2009 FUUCL Leadership Group
Attending were Zena Silverstar, Zyzzy Zarf, Etaoin Barcelona, Sofia Freenote, and Thisbe Blackadder.
Zena Silverstar called the meeting to order at 5:36 pm SLT.
- The minutes from the last meeting were approved.
- Stipends
Zena noted that she had not yet sent out a notice regarding the LG vacancies, and about the stipends. She will endeavor to do so this month.
- Treasurer’s Report
Sofia reported that our balance is L$480K. We are up-to-date on stipends for service leaders.
She noted that there are two avs with treasury balances, one for pledges and one for plate offerings. This helps keep the bookkeeping straight.
- Social Justice/Social Action
Continued discussion on Social Justice and how the FUUCSL might become involved.
Zena handed out a notecard containing info about what she found on Commonwealth Island. She noted that there was no activity there when she visited, and that was difficult to locate any information kiosks.
She sent messages to the the groups she found there that might be natural allies, but hasn’t received any responses yet.
Discussed Rev. LeShelle, who was at one point interested in SJ within SL. Zena will contact him to see if he has any interest in persuing this further.
Zena noted that our challenge is mostly to find some sort of project or group with which to become involved. FUUCSL could become more active that way, and possibly gain members.
Zena will continue to study this issue and will report on any progress next time.
- Service Dates & Times
Some people can’t attend Thurs. because of conflicts. It seems that every possible evening causes conflicts with someone.
Etaoin noted that the Sat. morning services seem to have evaporated.
There was a consensus that changing the date or time of the Thurs. service wouldn’t help bring more people in. Instead, we thought that having more organized (as opposed to generic) services would be best.
Etaoin noted that CLF doesn’t seem to be interested in SL. We shouldn’t expect any help from them.
Zena, who has access to the CLF material, will take a look at what’s available to see if it could help us with service content.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:27 pm SLT.
Respectfully Submitted,
Zyzzy Zarf, Secretary