Minutes of the October 1, 2009 FUUCL Leadership Group
Attending were Zena Silverstar, Zyzzy Zarf, Etaoin Barcelona, Sofia Freenote, and Thisbe Blackadder.
Zena Silverstar called the meeting to order at 5:39 pm SLT.
- The minutes from the last meeting were approved.
- Discussion about stipends.
Positive results were noted.
We decided to announce it at services, send out a notice to the UU group list, and add a note about stipends to the generic OOS.
This will be added to the notices about the two LG vacancies.
Zena was appointed as the notice sender.
- Treasurer’s Report
Sofia noted that there was little change from last time, so no details this time.
- Continued discussion on Social Justice and how the FUUCSL might become involved.
Decided that Zena should check out the Commonwealth Island, which is involved in promoting SJ, and report back on her findings
The meeting was adjourned at 6:19 pm SLT.
Respectfully Submitted,
Zyzzy Zarf, Secretary