Meeting was brought to order at 5:40 PM SLT.
LG Members Present: Etaoin Barcelona, Thisbe Blackadder, Sofia Freenote, Zyzzy Zarf
- Vision Statement
Statement was ratified unanimously 14 -0. Voting seemed to go well without a glitch.
- GA 2009
GA starts 6/24. Zena Silverstar will be at GA this year and Etaoin is 80% sure he is going.
- Treasurer’s Report
Sofia gave the following report. The current balance is $387,641. We have 44 menbers and 33 have pledged. The amount pledged for 2009 is $90,200. So far in 2009, we have collected $37,200 in pledges. In 2008 we collected $79,129 in pledges. Since this is the second year of pledges there is no norm to determine if we are good on collections so far, but it is normal to receive pledges in little sums.Zyzzy asked what the money would be used for. There are no plans yet.
- Website
Zyzzy has been working on the website. It is hoped that all LG members will register in order to contribute content. It is configured with Google Apps and so there is gmail, shared docs, and even a calendar. Special accounts will be needed to edit the calendar and Zyzzy will be handling that for the LG. There are still some details to work out before we can eliminate redundancy between our website, the Google group, and the wiki. This will be worked out soon including which calendar is definitive for service leaders and so on.
- Service Ideas
We need to keep discussing the need for service leaders. It was suggested that until then led discussions on a particular quote each week might suffice. Sofia offered to help write Orders of Service (OSS) for these events.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:18.
Notes by Cyfer Braess based on a chat log from Sofia.